SPIN Award Program: Scientific Progress Imnunoglobulins in Neurology

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
Termini intern:
Termini real:


The SPIN program is particularly interested in innovative ideas in the field of immunoglobulin research in neurology as well as novel immunoglobulin therapies for neurological conditions.

Proposals may include, but are not limited to:

EfficacyMechanism of actionSafety and tolerabilityQuality of lifePharmacoeconomics

The SPIN Award Program offers €50,000 to the applicant whose proposal best matches the program's objectives, as assessed by an independent Review Committee. The SPIN Award aims to:

Develop novel concepts in immunoglobulin research in neurologyEncourage discovery of beneficial immunoglobulin applications in neurological disordersPromote research of novel therapeutic options for patients with neurological conditions.


Scientists or clinicians with an innovative idea relevant to immunoglobulin research in neurology are invited to apply for the SPIN Award. Applications are encouraged from both individuals and teams who may be conducting research at hospitals, universities or independent institutions.

Applicants must present a focused project with goals that can be achieved within 12 months.

Applicants must be employed or supported by a hospital, university or independent institution.

Applicants must be under the age of 40 at the time point of letter of intent submission

How to apply


See attached "Letter of Intent" form.

In case of interest, please contact with FSJD Research Department no later than January 24th, 2017.