Trauma Psychology Grant

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
American Psychological Foundation
Termini intern:
Termini real:


To provide financial support for innovative research to alleviate trauma.

Eligibility Requirements

Be an early career psychologist (no more than 10 years post-doctoral).

Have a demonstrated knowledge of trauma and trauma research.

Have demonstrated competence and capacity to execute the proposed work.

Have IRB approval from host institution before funding can be awarded if human participants are involved.


One grant of up $ 4000.  APF does not allow institutional indirect costs.

Proposal Requirements

- Proposal (no more than 7 pages, no smaller than 11 point font):

a) Description of proposed project to include goals, relevant background, target population, methods, anticipated outcomes, evaluation, and dissemination plans for how the results of the effort will be evaluated and reported

b) Timeline for execution

c) Full budget and justification

- CVs of all major personnel

- Two letters of recommendation

How to apply

In case of interest, please contact with FSJD Research Department no later than Febraury 8, 2017.