Horizon 2020, Sector “Health, demographic change and well-being”. Call Personalised Medicine

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:


The goal of the thematic programme 'Health, Demographic Change and Well-being' is better health for all. Its main policy objectives are to improve health and well-being outcomes, to promote healthy and active ageing, to promote market growth, job creation, and the EU as a global leader in the health area. The challenges to this goal derive from the ageing of European population and lifestyle patterns, which, if not actively managed through a life-course approach, will increase the burden of chronic diseases on individuals, on existing health and care systems and on society.


Topics of the call

a) Research and Innovation Actions (RIA)


- SC1-PM-02-2017: New concepts in patient stratification. Deliver novel concepts for diseasemechanism based patient stratification to address the needs for stratified or personalised therapeutic interventions. Integrate multidimensional and longitudinal data and harness the power of -omics, including pharmacogenomics, systems biomedicine approaches, network analysis and of computational modelling. The new concepts should be validated in pre-clinical and clinical studies. Applicants are encouraged to actively involve patient associations. Focus on complex diseases having high prevalence and high economic impact. Budget: 40 million. Deadline: 4 October 2016.

- SC1-PM-03–2017: Diagnostic characterisation of rare diseases. Apply genomics and/or other – omics and/or other high-throughput approaches for the molecular characterisation of rare diseases in view of developing molecular diagnoses for a large number of undiagnosed rare diseases. Promote common standards and terminologies for rare disease classification and support appropriate bioinformatics tools and incentives to facilitate data sharing. Molecular and/or functional characterisation may be part of the proposal to confirm diagnosis. Budget: 15 million. Deadline: 11 April 2017.

- SC1-PM-07–2017: Promoting mental health and well-being in the young. Develop populationoriented primary prevention interventions to promote mental well-being of young people and assess them for their effectiveness. The proposals should aim at increasing resilience and mitigating the impact of biological, psychosocial and environmental risk factors. The target group should include young up to 25 years. The research design should be developed by means of a multidisciplinary approach and involve the young themselves and other relevant stakeholders. Innovative approaches in involving the young and gathering their inputs for the design of the intervention should be considered. Budget: 20 million. Deadline: 4 October 2016.

- SC1-PM-08–2017: New therapies for rare diseases. Clinical trials on substances where orphan designation has been given by the EU Commission, where the proposed clinical trial design takes into account recommendations from protocol assistance given by the European Medicines Agency, and where a clear patient recruitment strategy is presented. Clinical trials may focus on a range of interventions with an orphan designation, from small molecule to gene or cell therapy, may include novel interventions and/or repurposing of existing and known interventions. Appropriate plans to engage with patient organisations, Member States health authorities and considerations of efficacy/potential clinical benefit as well as early indication on health economics should be integrated in the application. Budget: 60 million. Deadline: 4 October 2016.

- SC1-PM-10–2017: Comparing the effectiveness of existing healthcare interventions in the adult population. Compare the use of currently available preventative or therapeutic (pharmacological as well as non-pharmacological) healthcare interventions in adults. Preference will be given to proposals focusing on interventions with high public health relevance and socio-economic impact. Proposals will aim to contribute to improve interventions, take decisions about the discontinuation of interventions that are less effective or less cost-effective than others, and make recommendations on the most effective and cost-effective approaches. Budget: 40 million. Deadline: 4 October 2016.

- SC1-PM-15-2017: Personalised coaching for well-being and care of people as they age. Develop a proof of concept of radically new solutions for a personalised "virtual coach", building upon intelligent ICT environments, access to relevant physiological and behavioural data, new forms of accessible interaction based on tangible user interaction concepts, open platforms and emotional computing. The "coach" should provide personalised advice, guidance and follow-up for key age related issues in daily life which impact the person's ability to remain active and independent. Budget: 25 million. Deadline: 31 January 2017.

- SC1-PM-16–2017: In-silico trials for developing and assessing biomedical products. Develop innovative in-silico trials for designing, developing and assessing drugs, radiation and other biomedical and bioactive products. The in-silico trials will be the result of a multidisciplinary effort and will also explore and inform of the reasons of fails and suggest improvements. Budget: 19 million. Deadline: 14 March 2017.

- SC1-PM-17–2017: Personalised computer models and in-silico systems for well-being. Development of new integrative dynamic computer-models and simulation systems of acceptable validity, with the potential to being reused, build on open service platforms and with application in well-being, health and disease. Budget: 19 million. Deadline: 14 March 2017.


b) Public Procurement of Innovative solutions (PPI)


- SC1-PM-19–2017: PPI for uptake of standards for the exchange of digitalised healthcare records. The PPI(s) should focus on clear target outcomes such as allowing the sharing of health information, the use of semantically interoperable Electronic Health Records for safety alerts, decision support, care pathways or care coordination. The scope is to specify, purchase and deploy innovative ICT based solutions which can deliver sustainable, new or improved healthcare services across organisational boundaries while implementing eHealth interoperability standards and/or specifications. Budget: 8,2 million. Deadline: 14 March 2017.


Partnership criteria

The call has two typologies of projects, each one with different partnership criteria:

- RIA: at least three legal entities established in 3 EU Member States or associated countries;

- PPI: at least three legal entities established in a different EU Member State or associated country. Furthermore, there must be a minimum of two legal entities which are ‘public procurers’ from two different EU Member States or associated countries.



The funding rates are as follows: - RIA: 100%; - PPI: 35% of the total costs.


More information at http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.html


For more information please contact the Research Support Office (Leonor Norton, lnorton@fsjd.org, recerca@fsjd.org)