Programa de Trabajo del Reto Social 1 (SC1): Salud, Cambio Demográfico y Bienestar. Horizonte 2020

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
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Termini real:

Publicado el Programa de Trabajo del Reto Social 1 (SC1):

Salud, Cambio demográfico y bienestar. Horizonte 2020

La Comisión Europea ha publicado día 14 de octubre el texto de los topics correspondientes a la convocatoria bienal 2016-2017 para el Reto Social 1 "Salud, Cambio Demográfico y Bienestar" de HORIZON 2020. Los topics del bloque principal "Personalized Medicine" que se contemplan son los siguientes:

1.1 Understanding health, well-being and disease

SC1-PM-01-2016:           Multi omics for personalised therapies addressing diseases of the immune system

SC1-PM-02-2017:           New concepts in patient stratification

SC1-PM-03-2017:           Diagnostic characterisation of rare diseases

SC1-PM-04-2016:           Networking and optimising the use of population and patient cohorts at EU level

1.2. Preventing disease

SC1-PM-05-2016:           The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative

SC1-PM-06-2016:           Vaccine development for malaria and/or neglected infectious diseases

SC1-PM-07-2017:           Promoting mental health and well-being in the young

1.3 Treating and managing diseases

SC1-PM-08-2017:           New therapies for rare diseases

SC1-PM-09-2016:           New therapies for chronic diseases

SC1-PM-10-2017:           Comparing the effectiveness of existing healthcare interventions in the adult population

SC1-PM-11-2016-2017: Clinical research on regenerative medicine

1.4 Active ageing and self-management of health

SC1-PM-12-2016:           PCP - eHealth innovation in empowering the patient

SC1-PM-13-2016:           PPI for deployment and scaling up of ICT solutions for active and healthy ageing

SC1-PM-14-2016:           EU-Japan cooperation on Novel ICT Robotics based solutions for active and healthy ageing at home or in care facilities

SC1-PM-15-2017:            Personalised coaching for well-being and care of people as they age

1.5 Methods and data

SC1-PM-16 - 2017:          In-silico trials for developing and assessing biomedical products

SC1-PM-17 - 2017:          Personalised computer models and in-silico systems for well-being

SC1-PM-18 - 2016:          Big Data supporting Public Health policies

SC1-PM-19 - 2017:          PPI for uptake of standards for the exchange of digitalised healthcare records

SC1-PM-20 - 2017:          Development of new methods and measures for improved economic evaluation and efficiency measures in the health sector

1.6 Health care provision and integrated care

SC1-PM-21 - 2016:          Implementation research for scaling-up of evidence based innovations and good  practice in Europe and low- and middle-income countries

A destacar que el procedimiento de evaluación de las propuestas para la convocatoria 2016 es de una sola fase. Podrán descargarse la información correspondiente y comprobar el plazo de cierre ( atención: la fecha de cierre no es única) en el link:,topics=callIdentifier/t/H2020-SC1-2016-2017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcoming/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Closed/0/1/0&+plannedOpeningDate/asc


Para cualquier duda, puede ponerse en contacto conLeonor Norton (