ERA-NET on human infectious diseases

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:

Objectiu de la convocatòria

Infect-ERA is an ERA-NET on human infectious diseases funded under the Seventh Research Framework Programme.

Infect-ERA will support scientific research involving all basic aspects of human infection biology caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. More precisely, research addressing the cross-talk between host and pathogens, as well as the relationship between microbes' environment and infection are in the scope of Infect-ERA.

Característiques principals

Transnational research consortia are invited to submit proposals related with at least one of the following themes, which are equal in relevance for this call:

-The host-pathogen interaction in regards to clinically relevant strains and the assessment of factors influencing this interplay.

-Diagnostics based on components of host-pathogen interaction, including development of markers for a clinical and personalized setting and detection of high risk clones in various diseases.

To address these themes, the proposals should integrate one of the following approaches:

Application of novel approaches and technologies such as genomics, metagenomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, and mass spectrometric analyses to address infection biology as a whole regardless of the type of pathogen (bacteria, virus, protozoa or fungi).

Integration of new approaches to understand the effect of the pathogen upon its interaction with the host and to develop biomarkers, preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic tools.

Proposals with topics HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B/C, malaria and tuberculosis are not in the scope of the call.

The following countries are involved: Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain.

Convocatòria (URL)


Only transnational projects will be funded, with a maximum of six participants from a minimum of three countries participating in this third call, should favourably include participants from academia and clinics and/or industry.

A portion of the total funding is reserved to support projects of young scientists' consortia and networking amongst these.

Please see the Guidelines for Applicants for the list of funding organisations.

Applicants must refer and adhere to the specific regulations of the national funding organisations. Each project partner is responsible for ensuring that he/she meets the national eligibility criteria. Therefore each project partner is strongly encouraged to get in touch with his/her National Contact. The National Regulations of each partner country are described in section 7 of the Guidelines for Applicants.


For Spanish participants:

€ 100.000 for Project partners

€ 150.000 for Project coordinators

When 2 Spanish partners participate in the same proposal, the maximum funding of the Spanish part should not exceed 150.000 € per project (additional 50.000€ when the project is coordinated by a Spanish PI).


3 years.


In case of interest, please contact the Research Suport Office

(Leonor Norton: