Transforming Health Care Systems: JTC 2025 - Pre-announcement

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:

Pre-announcement of Joint Transnational Call for proposals "Better care closer to home: Enhancing primary and community care"

The aim of this call is to fund research and innovation projects that strengthen primary and community health and care systems and provide policy and decision makers with the necessary knowledge and tools to govern the transitions needed in the primary and community care sector. Projects funded under this call will deliver promising financial, organizational, and practice-based service innovations that promote the transformation of health and care systems and contribute to faster exchange of best practices across different countries and regions.
Proposals are expected to address one of two sub-topics:

·Sub-topic 1: Strengthening the primary and community health and care system - This involves reducing reliance on institutionalized treatment in favour of seamless care pathways and different forms of primary and community care through organizational innovations, operational improvements, and innovative models of service delivery.

·Sub-topic 2: Systemic approaches to modernizing the primary and community care sector - This involves providing evidence-based knowledge to support policy development and strategic planning for the modernization of the primary and community care sector, leveraging multidisciplinary and transnational perspectives.

Duration of projects:
The minimum project duration is 12 months.
The maximum project duration is 36 months.


Type of project partners

Proposals may be submitted by applicants belonging to one of the following categories (eligibility of project partners may vary according to national/regional regulations):

  • Academia: research teams working at universities, universities of applied sciences, other higher education institutions, research and knowledge dissemination organisations or research institutes;
  • Clinical/public health sector: research teams working at hospitals, policlinics, medical practices, public health and/or other health care settings and health organisations;
  • Companies: private companies of all sizes;
  • Operational stakeholders: e.g. citizens and/or citizen representatives, local communities, schools, municipalities, local/national NGOs, consumer organisations. Operational stakeholders should be in a position to provide useful knowledge to the consortium, ensure the consortium's research is useful and translatable to their (or other) organizational contexts, and/or influence decision making or create change within their organisations. Operational stakeholders should be engaged in the research process from conception of the study to dissemination.

Composition of a consortium

Only transnational projects will be funded. The following conditions apply to the composition of consortia:

  • The consortium must include a minimum of three (3) eligible partners asking for funding from at least one (1) EU Member State and at least two (2) other independent legal entities, each established in different Member States or Associated Countries, whose funding organisations participate in the call. Each of these partners must be eligible and request funding from the respective funding organisation. All three legal entities must be independent of each other.
  • Maximum number of partners eligible for funding is nine (9).
  • Maximum two (2) eligible partners from the same country.
  • The project coordinator must be eligible for funding by a regional/national funding organisation participating in the call.
  • Maximum of two (2) collaborators per consortium are permitted. Collaborators are self-funded partners, i.e. partners that do not request funds from one of the participating funding partner organisations (FPOs) (i.e. partners from non-funding countries or partners who are not eligible according to national/regional regulations of the participating funding organisations). Collaborators do not count towards the maximum number of partners.

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