Third Programme of Community Action in the Field of Health (2014-2020)

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:


The third Health Programme for the Union's action in the field of health has, as a general objective, to complement, support and add value to the policies of the Member States aimed at improving the health of Union citizens and reduce health inequalities by promoting health, encouraging innovation in health, increasing the sustainability of health systems and protecting Union citizens from serious cross-border health threats


PJ-01-2014 Innovation to prevent and mange chronic diseases

Objective: Put more emphasis on new approaches to prevention of major chronic diseases, including linking prevention to healthcare interventions, with an emphasis on groups most at risk.

Scope: The projects funded should concentrate on identifying innovative approaches to prevention, taking some of the most important preventable chronic diseases as an example. They will focus on:

(a)diabetes prevention: improved implementation of good practice and the development of guidance on innovative and targeted prevention of diabetes type 2, in particular among people at high risk. Projects should draw lessons from research on metabolic profiles including children, and develop new targeted approaches to prevention in high risk groups;

(b)cardiovascular diseases: based on the knowledge and recommendations on the prevention of cardiovascular conditions, the aim is to identify innovative and modern prevention measures tailored to reach in particular high risk populations, i.e. people with either genetic pre-disposition or unfavourable lifestyles, and to demonstrate their potential to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular conditions; and

(c)identification of good practice of linking and integrating prevention and healthcare intervention. This includes that the effectiveness of prevention measures identified in the projects above should be rigorously assessed for their uptake in the disease and care management, using standardized data systems linking primary and secondary prevention e.g. population-based disease registries, and identifying good practice for prevention interventions in different healthcare settings in Europe.

Indicative amount: 2.500.000 €

Grants foreseen: Several

PJ-02-2014 Early diagnosis and screening of chronic disesases

Objective: Major chronic diseases, such as e.g. diabetes type 2 or cardiovascular conditions, are frequently not diagnosed until complications arise. The aim of this topic is to explore the potential of early diagnosis in view of the control and more efficient treatment of chronic diseases. Technical developments, innovative approaches and progress in medicine lead to improved possibilities to identify the onset and to follow the progression of diseases.

Scope: The projects should develop an overview on where and how new or improved forms of early diagnosis (technical means, diagnostics, indicator diseases... would be effective and efficient interventions for improved control of chronic diseases, and have an impact on the prevention and progression of major chronic diseases. The projects have two main objectives: (a) identify criteria for the use of early diagnosis in health care settings and develop implementation schemes based on an analysis of economic and medical benefits; (b) deliver a comprehensive overview and assessment of major screening and early intervention programmes, highlighting differences and strong and weak points in order to provide recommendations on steps to implement more efficient screening and early diagnosis schemes as prevention programmes in Europe.

Indicative amount: 1.500.000 €

Grants foreseen: Several

PJ-03-2014 Professional reintegration of people with chronic disease

Objective: An increasing number of people are unable to work due to chronic diseases. This affects income, job turnover and can lead to disability. This is a concern for patients and also impacts on the sustainability of social security and labour systems across Europe. The objective of this topic is to identify innovative strategies to adapt the workplace to the needs of people with chronic diseases and to improve their integration or reintegration into the workplace.

Scope: This project should deliver a comprehensive assessment of the availability of support services, educational/training programmes, resources and practical tools in Europe and beyond to address professional issues for people living with major chronic diseases and mental disorders, including to improve their reintegration and/or employability into the workplace. The possibility to implement such existing tools and their transferability to a broader European context should also be assessed.

Indicative amount: 1.000.000 €

Grants foreseen: One

PJ-04-2014 Adherence, frailty, integrated care and multi-chronic conditions

Objective: The Commission has launched the European Innovation Partnerships within the Innovation Union, one of the flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy, with the objective of accelerating innovation to address a well-defined target within a grand societal challenge. The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing has been selected as a pilot to tackle the challenge of an ageing population. The aim of this topic is to facilitate the exchange of best practice between Member States, to support networks for knowledge sharing, to unlock the potential of innovation in health and to benchmark so as to ensure an informed decision-making at European level.

Scope: Building upon previous work conducted in this area, this action seeks to support projects encouraging the use of innovative, coordinated and comprehensive community based prevention. Activities to be addressed will include:

(a) supporting the development and implementation of early diagnosis and screening programmes for frailty risk factors, including the optimisation of functional capacity tools and development of guidelines to address pre-frailty;

(b) (b) development of programmes to improve the management of multi-morbid patients, including use of medical data for optimising health and care systems. This action will focus on projects that would implement existing strategies or build on existing actions in order to achieve scalability and promote innovative solutions in health in the EU.

Indicative amount: 3.000.000 €

Grants foreseen: Several

PJ-05-2014 Statistical data for medicinal product pricing

Objective: Achieve a better coordination at the EU level in order to facilitate the control by the Member States of public budgets for medicinal products whilst avoiding/mitigating possible negative impacts on patient access to medicinal care.

Scope:This action seeks to support activities focusing on the identification of the optimal data-set (including the optimal data lay-out) to contain information on medicinal product prices in view of a better coordination of national policies in the area of external reference pricing of medicinal products. This action should also foresee the establishment of a database (or extension of an existing database) that builds on the identified data-set and data compilation lay-out.

Indicative amount: 300.000 €

Grants foreseen: One

PJ-06-2014 Health monitoring and reporting system

Objective: EU data and health information system that supports monitoring, research and policy making in all areas of EU health policy. It should create a network of relevant activities that have been run under the past health and research framework programmes, overcoming the fragmentation of projects on health information and data. The aim is to prepare the transition towards a sustainable and integrated EU health information system for both public health and research purposes while the potential of a comprehensive European health information research infrastructure consortium as a tool will be explored, as referred to in the Council conclusions of 10 December 2013 on the Reflection process on modern, responsive and sustainable health systems.

Scope: It is envisaged to finance one single project combining relevant horizontal activities, as well as specific activities linked to policy objectives, such as:

(a) Population health and health systems monitoring by using common validated indicators;

(b) Harmonized population based health examination surveys;

(c) Monitoring of impacts of environmental chemicals to health;

(d) Monitoring and reporting of perinatal and child health;

(e) Platform for population based registries for diseases;

(f) Platform for injury surveillance;

(g) Platform for Clinical and Administrative data on Health Care;

(h) Establishing standards and approaches for clinical and administrative health data collection and data sharing between countries;

(i) Providing harmonised indicators, methods and tools to support monitoring and evaluation of health care systems in interested countries. Priority setting, planning and staging of activities will be done in close connection with the Commission Expert Group on Health Information. Synergies are expected with relevant selected projects following the calls for research infrastructure proposals under Horizon 2020 in the area of health information.

Indicative amount: 3.000.000 €

Grants foreseen: One

PJ-07-2014 Healthcare associated infection in long-term care

Objective: Enhance infection prevention and control in nursing homes and long-term care facilities in the EU, with the aim to prevent and contain the spread of antibiotic resistances in the long term.

Scope: The project should create a network bringing together regional and national public health experts, Member States health authorities and relevant stakeholders in the area to analyse the current situation on healthcare associated infections and design a sustainable EU approach to help control healthcare associated infections in hospitals and long-term care facilities. The project should consider the use of tailored guidelines and best practices. More specifically, the project will focus on how regional (including cross-border) infection control networks applying harmonized infection control measures can contribute to prevent the spread of antimicrobial resistances.

Indicative amount: 500.000 €

Grants foreseen: One


The EU grant is limited to a maximum co-funding rate of 60% of eligible costs. In case of exceptional utility up to 80% can be requested.


As a rule, the maximum duration of project is 36 months.

How to apply

In case of interest, please, contact with Research's Department as soon as possible.

The electronic submission of proposals via the Electronic Exchange System of the EC Participant Portal.

Additional Information