ERA-NET TRASCAN-3: Translational research on cancer epigenetics

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:

The expected outcome of the call is to improve the efficacy of current detection, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancers, through the development of novel approaches based on a better understanding of cancer epigenetics. The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to stimulate new partnerships between researchers and clinicians and support original, high-quality projects, with significant clinical impact.

In the context of translational cancer research, this call for proposals comprises two general aims. Proposals will have to cover at least one of the undermentioned aims or sub-aims. Particular attention should be given to gender balance inclusion in order to intercept sex/gender differences and to consider the role of these differences in the addressed questions.

Aim 1) The role of epigenetics in cancer initiation and progression. These studies may aim to validate novel epigenetics-based biomarkers to improve detection, diagnosis, prognosis of cancers or response to therapies (using recently developed innovative approaches, multiomic approaches, single-cell analysis, patient-derived organoids, patient-derived xenografts, tumour samples collected from retrospective and/or prospective cohorts of patients or clinical trials).

  • Specific aim 1.1: To understand cancer initiation and progression by characterisation of the epigenetic landscape.
  • Specific aim 1.2: To define epigenetic features of cells in the tumour microenvironment that may promote tumour progression (e.g., immune cells, vascular cells, microbiota).
  • Specific aim 1.3: To study the role of epigenetic modifications as predictors of cell persistence or treatment resistance.
  • Specific aim 1.4: To validate epigenetic markers useful to improve early detection and diagnosis by exploring the correlation between epigenetics and clinical cancer manifestation.

Aim 2) Validation of new epigenetics-based therapeutic strategies to limit cancer progression, prevent relapse/recurrence or increase the efficiency or reduce toxicity of existing anti-cancer therapies.

  • Specific aim 2.1: To validate novel therapeutic targets (novel targets should be evaluated in translational studies with regard to their impact on treatment efficacy, safety and patient reported outcomes).
  • Specific aim 2.2: To study the potential use of epigenetic modulators to overcome resistance to anti-cancer therapies.
  • Specific aim 2.3: To develop novel epidrugs/therapeutic approaches, through phase I and II clinical trials (investigating combinations of available treatments, new therapeutics, new administration schemes, etc.) to improve safety and efficacy of treatments (objective responses; patient reported outcomes regarding morbidity and quality of life; etc.).
  • Specific aim 2.4: To develop novel theranostic approaches involving epigenetics of cancer.


The call is made at European level but each partner of the consortium is funded by its national funding agency and must follow its national funding rules. Spanish participants are funded by ISCIII. There are eligibility requirements for the institutions and principal investigators funded by ISCIII. For Spanish applicants funded by ISCIII: after the evaluation at European level, successful applicants will be invited to submit an application to ISCIII.

Due to the complexity of the call, if you are interested in submitting an application we strongly recommend that you contact well in advance of the deadline.

Only two Spanish beneficiaries are allowed per project. 

Depending on the number of Spanish participants in the consortium the following maximum figures per funding
institution and total apply:

- Projects WITHOUT a Spanish coordinator:

  • Maximum funding from ISCIII if there is only one Spanish partner: Up to 200,000€(overheads included) and from FCAECC: Up to 100,000€.
  • Maximum funding from ISCII if there are two Spanish partners: Up to 275,000 € (overheads included) and from FCAECC: Up to 125,000€. 

- Projects WITH a Spanish coordinator:

  • Maximum funding from ISCIII if there is only one Spanish partner acting as a coordinator: Up to 300,000€ (overheads included) and from FCAECC: Up to 150,000€. 
  • Maximum funding from ISCIII if there are two Spanish partners and one of them acts as a coordinator: Up to 400,000€ (overheads included) and from FCAECC: Up to 150,000€.

Only transnational projects will be funded. Each research consortium must involve a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of six (6) eligible partners from at least three (3) different countries participating in the call. In addition, a research consortium must not involve more than two (2) research groups from one country.

In order to strengthen the European translational cancer research area, a wide inclusion of research teams from all the countries/regions participating in the call is encouraged, with a particular attention to research teams from Hungary, Latvia, Slovakia and Turkey. If a consortium includes one of these countries, the maximum number of partners can be increased to seven (7).

Participating countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey.

Each consortium must involve at least one basic or pre-clinical research team and one clinical team.


In case of interest, please click on "m'interessa" and we will contact you.