European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials-Global Health EDCTP3 2023

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:

This is the second work programme under the Global Health EDCTP3 (European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials) Joint Undertaking (GH EDCTP3). HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2023-01 covering four topics for Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and one topic for Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs), all of them being the 29th of June 2023 the deadline.

European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) exists to accelerate the clinical development of new or improved medicinal products for the identification, treatment and prevention of poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases, including (re-)emerging diseases. In addition, the EDCTP funds activities for research capacity building in Africa, supporting researchers' careers and strengthening national health research systems.

The work programme this year puts particular emphasis on capacity building and training. A topic calling for training networks is included (GH-EDCTP3-2023-01-01). Also, for the other topics in the work programme, where relevant, support of African scientists through degree training in clinical research and/or hands on training during implementation of research projects should be provided to assist them in advancing their scientific careers. These scientists should be selected keeping gender balance in mind. In the context of this work programme, a clinical study covers clinical studies/trials/investigations/ cohorts and is defined as any systematic prospective or retrospective collection and analysis of health data obtained from individual patients or healthy persons to address scientific questions related to the understanding, prevention, diagnosis, monitoring or treatment of a disease, mental illness, or physical condition.

  • HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2023-01-01: Global Health EDCTP3 Training Networks - Clinical Research Fellowships

The Global Health EDCTP3 Training Networks will implement training programmes through consortia of clinical research institutions, academia, industry, businesses (including SMEs) and other socio-economic actors from different countries across SSA and Europe, with the objective to strengthen the health research systems of the SSA countries with the highest disease burden. Proposals should include training programmes for researchers, scientists, clinicians and/or other public health professionals in the area of infectious disease research, with practical field research experience. The individuals being trained will carry out ambitious and relevant clinical research projects on infectious diseases affecting SSA. The fellows must commit to be in Africa for a minimum of two years after completing their training and provide evidence to demonstrate this through a letter of support from their host institution(s).


  • A highquality training programme related to clinical research or implementation research on infectious diseases of importance in SSA, including One Health;
  • An open, fair, and transparent procedure for selecting the fellows coming from different geographical regions of SSA, based on quality and with appropriate gender balance, with an active open promotion of the vacancies specifically addressed to female candidates, as well as to candidates from French speaking and Portuguese speaking countries to ensure that candidates from these groups can be well represented; 
  • Robust mentorship mechanisms to support the fellows through their training period up to completion;
  • A robust monitoring and evaluation mechanism used to assess the career progression of the fellows, the impact of the training programme in the region and compile lessons learnt that can be used to inform future training programmes;
  • Among others... Please consult the Work Programme 2023.

Budget per proposal: around 5 million euros, expected 3 projects finance. 

  • HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2023- 01-03: Implementation research/real life assessment of existing interventions in women and children's health

Concerted efforts are needed to increase access to potentially lifesaving, cost-effective interventions to prevent and treat PRDs and other diseases such as diarrhoeal diseases, bacterial infections (especially those where antimicrobial resistance is an issue), sepsis and lower respiratory tract infections in pregnant women, newborns, and children to ensure solid evidence is produced for the recommended interventions and to enhance the use of existing interventions in these populations.


  • Carry out registration (phase III) and/or post-registration studies of health technologies that tackle infectious diseases affecting women and children to demonstrate clinical effectiveness;
  • Demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of the health technologies being investigated in the relevant populations and communities;
  • Dentify the barriers to the uptake of the health technologies under investigation and address them in the proposed studies;
  • Develop methods that can ensure translating clinical research results into healthcare policy and practice in a SSA setting. These methods should be broadly applicable to improve patients' quality of life beyond the specific health technology being investigated;
  • Early involvement and regular interaction with policy- and decision-makers, including end-users, to ensure adoption of the health technology by health systems in SSA.

This call is restricted to the following diseases: HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, diarrhoeal diseases, bacterial infections (especially those where antimicrobial resistance is an issue), sepsis and lower respiratory tract infections.

The research carried out and the health technologies developed in the study should tackle infections affecting the health of pregnant women and children up to five years of age.

Neither pre-clinical research nor early-stage clinical trials in the context of product development are within the scope of this call.

Budget per proposal: around 4 million euros, expected 6 projects finance. 

The remaining three topics are the ones listed below. For further information, consult the Work Programme 2023. 

  • HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2023-01-02: Funding to successfully finalise EDCTP2-funded clinical trials that were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic - For more information, please consult the Work Programme.
  • HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2023- 01-04: Research to rapidly evaluate interventions on Ebola outbreaks in sub-Saharan Africa - For more information, please consult the Work Programme.
  • HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2023-01-05: Strengthening ethics and regulatory capacity - For more information, please consult the Work Programme.

Due to the fact that each topic has different requirements, please consult frecerca.internacional(ELIMINAR) or check the Work Programme. 


In case of interest, please click on "m'interessa" and we will contact you.