HORIZON EUROPE-HEALTH-Living and working in a health-promoting environment-2023/2024

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:

In Horizon Europe program, Cluster Health, has opened one two-stage call under destination 2 Living and working in a health-promoting environment with deadline for the first stage on the 19th September 2023:

HORIZON-HLTH-2024-ENVHLTH-02-06-two-stage: The role of environmental pollution in non-communicable diseases: air, noise and light and hazardous waste pollution.

The proposed research should strengthen the knowledge base available to policymakers regarding pollution-disease associations and causal mechanisms at different phases of the life course, taking advantage of latest molecular, cellular and computational technologies to elucidate biological pathways from exposure (including combined exposures) to disease.


  • Air pollution, especially in the urban environment, taking into account existing evidence, notably the latest WHO air quality guidelines of 2021 and their recommendations on different pollutants, including on pollutants of emerging concern, looking at e.g. ultrafine particles and interactions with aeroallergens, black carbon, sand and dust storms and impact on human health;
  • Noise pollution and light pollution impact on human health;
  • Pollution from hazardous waste (e.g. pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs, e-waste, plastics (including nano- and microplastics)) in heavily contaminated environments and adverse health outcomes.

Several of the following activities should be included:

  • Research activities to strengthen the evidence base for pollution-disease associations and underlying causality mechanisms and biological pathways, taking into account combined exposures and mechanisms of increased sensitivity in susceptible groups;
  • Delivery of FAIR data95 on causal associations between environmental risk factors and health outcomes, in particular for air pollutants of emerging concern, specifically ultrafine particles, black carbon, and others, taking into account vulnerable population groups and specific exposure situations in a life-course approach including vulnerable early-stages of life and transgenerational risks;
  • Development of user-friendly tools for systematic mining and assessment of the knowledge generated and translation into best practices and to improve the assessment of individual life-exposure to pollutants;
  • Among others... Please consult the Call text.

Budget per proposal: between 7 and 8 million euros, expected 7 to 9 projects finance. 

Research and Innovation Actions benefits from a grant that covers 100% of the project costs.


Three legal entities established in 3 EU Member States or countries associated to Horizon Europe.


In case of interest, please click on "m'interessa" and we will contact you.