2023 Simons Foundation Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Neuroscience (SURFiN)

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
The Simons Foundation
Termini intern:
Termini real:
$7,500 salary support/stipend: These funds must be used to cover the total wages earned by the student during the academic year at a rate equivalent to $25/hour for 10 hours a week over 30 weeks. $2,000 resource stipend: These funds are to be used to support the fellow’s work and professional development during the academic year.

The aim of SURFiN is to spark and sustain interest in neuroscience among undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds underrepresented in neuroscience research. SURFiN provides funds for undergraduate research assistants (fellows) to work in-person in Simons Foundation-supported neuroscience laboratories under the mentorship of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers (mentors) during the 2023-2024 academic year.

The Simons Foundation and our scientific community aims to expand access to research experiences, support early career scientists in advancing in their careers, and work to create a more inclusive research training environment.


SURFiN is open to undergraduate students who identify as women, individuals who are Black or African American, Hispanic or Latine or Native American or American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders, individuals with disabilities and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. Individuals identifying as LGBTQIA+ within the above listed communities are encouraged to apply.

Applicants must live within a reasonable commute of an available lab opportunity in order to engage in regular in-person lab work. This year's opportunities are located in almost 30 cities across the U.S., Canada and Europe. Prior laboratory experience is not required.


In case of interest, both as possible coordinator or partner, please click on "m'interessa" and we will contact you.