Quest of CURES

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
LLS - Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Termini intern:
Termini real:


With evolving technologies and emerging treatment options, this Request for Proposals is focused on defining subgroups of patients with a given diagnosis, understanding the role and improving detection of minimal residual disease (MRD) in hematological malignancies and using this information to guide treatment intervention. In addition, understanding which patients are more likely to transition from a pre-malignant state to full malignancy may provide new routes for early therapeutic intervention.

Main characteristics

Topics available for funding with this RFP are the following:

1.Defining treatment algorithms that rely on predictive/prognostic biomarkers and molecular MRD surrogates to select standard or experimental therapies for patients with indolent lymphoid malignancies, particularly follicular NHL or early phase CLL, as well as patients with pre-malignant conditions such as MGUS, low risk MDS or MPNs (PV or ET).

Research proposals might focus on, but are not limited to:

a. Identification of biomarkers in both treatment naïve patients, as well as those treated with standard or novel agents, to predict clinical benefit of either a watch and wait strategy or initiation of a therapeutic intervention

b. Identification of biomarkers that will guide specific therapeutic intervention with an approved or experimental agent(s) or identify a novel therapeutic target

c. Analysis of samples from patients treated with standard or novel agents to identify treatment-related molecular changes that may predict long-term clinical benefit

d. Novel approaches to measure and track MRD that provide actionable information regarding the selection of subsequent therapy, if required

e. New experimental targeted therapies that may be safe and effective in blood cancer patients with early-stage disease

2. Characterizing hematopoietic events in the elderly that may predispose them to chronic pre-leukemic myeloid disorders and/or to progression from these states to frank hematologic malignancy. Proposal topics of interest might include, but are not limited to:

a. Studies to determine how age-related changes in hematopoietic progenitor subsets interact with changes in the bone marrow or lymph node microenvironment and in the circulating levels of the cytokines that are commonly/frequently observed in older individuals

b. Identification of the spectrum of mutations, chromatin modifications and/or changes in immune function in elderly patients that identify those at high risk of transitioning from chronic pre-leukemic disorders to acute leukemias.


The range of funding available is from $200,000 to $400,000 annually, for research to be completed in a period of 2 years.

How to apply

Using Fluxx. LLS uses Fluxx ( for electronic submission of LOIs (and full applications). LLS will not accept fax or hard-copy submissions.

In case of interest, contact before May 27th with Research's Department

Official Deadline:

03/06/2014 Letter of Intent

15/07/2014 Full application