Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:
Up to 50.000 € (+ overheads, depending on the national rules) for support of its activities for a maximum duration of 1 year.)

Chronic pain imposes a massive burden to the individual, the health system, and the economy worldwide. It leads to a severe reduction in the quality of life of those affected and their families. As a consequence, chronic pain can lead to sleep problems, depression and anxiety. The underlying mechanisms are often not understood. Thus, joined efforts of basic scientist, clinicians, lay organisations, and policymakers are needed to understand the pathophysiology, improve diagnosis and therapy, increase awareness, and improve the every-day life of the patients. The success of biomedical research however, is hampered by the lack of harmonization of procedures, experimental methodologies, and data management. For the translation and implementation of future research outcomes into clinical practice, as well as for shaping future research priorities, it is essential to form synergies in the research community, to overcome gaps and hurdles, to build overarching networks, and to generate harmonizing concepts and ideas. Thus, a networking call in the field of chronic pain is now launched under the umbrella of the ERA-NET NEURON.

The aim of the call is to support ambitious, innovative, multidisciplinary and multinational initiatives of leading scientific experts and is aimed to enhance resource alignment and to maximize existing and future efforts in the field of Chronic Pain. The networking call does not fund experimental research activities or scientific staff salaries.

Networking groups should address cross-cutting challenges in the research field of chronic pain, to build knowledge on specific aspects, identify gaps, and find solutions for urgent issues such as interoperability of data and method harmonization.

Note that acute pain is excluded from this call as well as proposals focussing on psychological and social consequences of pain conditions.

Experimental research activities are also excluded.

The ERA-NET NEURON seeks to strengthen patient engagement in research. All applications should include a description of the expected outcomes with potential relevance for patients. If appropriate, applicants are expected to engage patients and to disseminate the results to the patient community.

Meaningful involvement of early career researchers (ECRs) is highly encouraged. 


A Networking Group must consist of a minimum of 10, and should not exceed 25 participant institutions. At least half of the institutions participating to a Networking Group must be established in a member country of the ERA-NET NEURON COFUND 2. To ensure the general eligibility for funding a networking group, a minimum of three participant institutions must be established in at least three different funding countries. The inclusion of experts from non-NEURON regions is encouraged.

Funds will only be received and managed by the Budget Recipient, who should belong to one of the funding organisations. The Budget Recipient will centralize the budget for the entire Networking Group and directly cover the consortium activities (travels, meetings, catering services, etc.). No funds transfer between countries is possible.

To facilitate the management of the consortium, it is highly recommended that the Scientific Coordinator also assumes the role of Budget Recipient.

Funding will cover activities such as the organization of face-to-face and/or virtual meetings, workshops and travel costs, which are required to attain the objectives. It may also be used for remote working costs (e.g. audio and video conferencing licences), as well as data exchange, long-term storage, and harmonisation. Part of the budget must be reserved for attending the final symposium of the Networking Call. 

No experimental research activities will be funded (e.g. costs for research equipment or consumables). Salaries of investigators or scientific staff or student stipends are neither eligible but salaries dedicated to administrative or technical staff supporting for example for analysis or data handling is allowed.


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