IRB Translational Research and Innovation Programme TRIP-Clinics

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
IRB Barcelona and Fundació La Caixa
Termini intern:
Termini real:
150,000 € / year

TRIP-Clinics aims to integrate THREE medical groups into the IRB Barcelona research environment, thus facilitating the transfer of knowledge and access to state-of-the-art technologies in fundamental and clinical research.

This action would thus imply a synergic strategy to translate research into patient treatments by promoting highquality, medically relevant research spanning from early diagnosis to the development of novel therapies.

The selected projects will involve the creation of new joint research groups comprising fundamental and clinical researchers who will work at IRB Barcelona for the duration of the projects.

The projects will include a budget to cover the recruitment of staff, purchase of consumables, and access to the facilities and services available at IRB Barcelona.

The leading members of the selected clinical groups should be practising MDs, will be appointed to a formal position at IRB Barcelona (in the framework of an agreement with the clinical research centre or hospital) and will join the counterpart host group at IRB Barcelona.

The MD leading the proposal will have a minimum time dedication of 20% to the project-a figure that will be adjusted in function of the regulations and requirements of the collaborating clinical research centre/hospital.

Seed Funding: 150,000 € / year including direct research costs

Grant Term: 3 years + 2 years of extension after positive evaluation of the project and programme.


Two-step call for proposals:

- Letter of interest. Deadline for Letter of Interest: April 20th

- Full Application

Letter of Interest Overview

Maximum Length = 3 Pages + a short CV of the IRB GL and the MD applicant


1.- Scientific Proposal. 1 Page.

Provide a clear, concise and comprehensive overview of the proposed project to be carried out by the new joint research group. Include information regarding background, rationale, innovation of the collaborative research approach, and potential impact. Subheadings to be included: · Title · Question(s) to be addressed · Background and rationale · Innovation of the research idea and impact · Study design and approach · Outcomes expected.

2.- Synergistic Potential of the Project . ½ Page.

Indicate the differences of the joint group proposal when compared with a jointresearch project between two independent laboratories/institutions. Provide a very short description the scientific and clinical questions that will be addressed by the joint research group and that would have not been possible to tackle without TRIP-Clinics. Indicate previous collaborations between the applicants (if any) and the scientific sustainability of the proposed project in the mid-long term.

3.- Composition of the Joint Research Group. ½ Page.

Describe the composition and structure of the research group: leadership, members, and work dynamics. Provide information on how the backgrounds of the team members will be integrated and how communication will be channelled to/from the participant GL´s host group.

4.- Timelines and workflow. Up to 1 Page.

Provide a very short description of the milestones and main deliverables of the project. 

In case of interest, contact with FSJD Research Dpt.