SFARI - Bridge to Independence Award Program
- Entitat convocant:
- Simons Foundation
- Categoria:
- Premis
- Àmbit:
- Internacional
- Inici:
- Termini intern:
- Termini real:
- Descripció:
SFARI is invested in supporting the next generation of top autism researchers. The Bridge to Independence Award program promotes talented early-career scientists by facilitating their transition to research independence and providing grant funding at the start of their professorships at a U.S. or Canadian research institution.
Annual Request for applications (RFA) open each spring and are aimed at senior postdoctoral fellows who intend to seek tenure-track faculty positions during the upcoming academic year.
The BTI Award program promotes talented early-career scientists by facilitating their transition to research independence and providing grant funding at the start of their professorships. Annual Request for applications (RFA) open each spring and are aimed at senior postdoctoral fellows who intend to seek tenure-track faculty positions during the upcoming academic year.
mportantly, although eligible applicants must be currently in a postdoctoral training position, the BTI Award itself is not a training fellowship but a research grant to newly appointed faculty. The program’s selection process is uniquely designed to enhance the BTI awardees’ job prospects by providing a letter that specifies SFARI financial commitment to the research project once the BTI awardee has secured a suitable faculty position.
$495,000 Duration
3 years
In case of interest, please contact with Research Management Department until 1st August 2019.
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