Active and Assisted Living Programme (AAL): Sustainable Smart Solutions for Ageing Well

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:


The aim of the AAL is to provide innovative Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)based solutions including products, systems or services to enhance older adults' quality of life, toimprove long-term sustainability of the health and long-term care systems and to strengthen theindustrial base in Europe. The main goal is to improve the autonomy, participation in social life,skills, and employability of older adults. Solutions funded under the AAL address identified wishesand needs of the end-users, are transnational, collaborative and cost-shared between private andpublic funding.


Objectives of the call

The Call 2019 supports innovative, transnational and multi-disciplinary projects to developSustainable Smart Solutions for Ageing Well targeting any application area(s) within the AALdomain. The project proposals must demonstrate a clear route to market and added-value for thedifferent types of end-users. The solutions need also to be embedded in the strategies of theparticipating end-user organisations, service providers and business partners.The AAL areas include solutions for Active Living, such as in work & training, for vitality &abilities, in leisure & culture, for information & communication, as well as for Assisted Living,such as in health & care, living & building, mobility & transport, safety & security.


Types of projects

- Collaborative projects. They aim at developing and bringing to market ICT solutions in theAAL domain. They are expected to be user-driven through co-creation and address aspecified challenge. These projects have short time-to-market (maximum 2 years), a clearlydescribed route to market and an identified leader for commercialisation.

- Small Collaborative Projects. They aim at exploring new ideas, concepts and approaches forICT-based solutions for older adults. They should reach out to new stakeholders forinclusion in future development of AAL solutions, build strong collaborations with end-userorganisations, support community building with new customers and create shared agendas.They can result in well-substantiated ideas or proposals for AAL solutions to be submittedin a later AAL call (or elsewhere).


Eligible applicants

Only organisations that are described in the national eligibility criteria are eligible for funding. Withregard to collaborative projects, a total of 20 national Funding Authorities will provide funds, whilea total of 10 national Funding Authorities will provide funds for this new tool for the SmallCollaborative Projects. The complete list of countries is available in the call text.


Project duration

Collaborative projects: from 18 to 36 months

Small Collaborative Projects: from 6 to 9 months


Partnership criteria

Consortia must be composed of at least 3 organisations from 3 AAL partner states. They mustinclude at least an end user organization and a for-profit business partner.



- Collaborative projects: maximum 2,5 million euro (50% of the project’s costs).

- Small Collaborative Projects: maximum 300.000 euro



The call is made at European level but each partner of the consortium is funded by its national funding agency and must follow its national funding rules. Spanish participants are funded by ISCIII. There are eligibility requirements for the institutions and principal investigators funded by ISCIII.  For Spanish applicants funded by ISCIII: after the evaluation at European level, successful applicants will be invited to submit an application to ISCIII. Due to the complexity of the call, if you are interested in submitting an application we strongly recommend that you contact well in advance of the deadline.