8th Call - JPIAMR-VRI Network Call 2018 - Building the Foundation of the JPIAMR Virtual Research Institute - Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR)

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:


This Network call aims to identify research community needs and develop ideas to form the foundation for the JPIAMR-VRI.

JPIAMR recognises a need to reinforce alignment of research. To promote this, the JPIAMR will establish a Virtual Research Institute in AMR ("the JPIAMR-VRI") – a Global Network connecting research performing organisations, institutes, centres, and infrastructures.

The intent of the call is to form Networks of motivated groups to conceptualise and develop the JPIAMR-VRI. The Networks should identify research community needs, develop catalytic ideas and strategic plans to help bring the JPIAMR-VRI to Life!

Up to 21 Networks will be funded with up to 50,000 € each to connect experts from research performing organisations, institutes, centres and infrastructures and establish expertise clusters in the AMR community.

Note that JPIAMR Network calls do not fund research projects.


Scope of the call


The JPIAMR-VRI will provide a platform to increase coordination, improve visibility of the AMR researcher base, facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity development across the globe, covering the full One Health spectrum.The JPIAMR-VRI is expected to:

- Connect AMR researchers across the JPIAMR priority topics in a One Health approach

- Build capacity and strengthen capability in AMR research

- Facilitate access to scientific information and infrastructures

- Bridge geographic borders in the research community through global reach

- Break practical barriers between geographies and fields of research

- Increase awareness and visibility of the issue of AMR and the importance of research in tackling this

- Encourage the use of scientific evidence to inform policy and guideline makers


Suggested focal areas


JPIAMR Networks may tackle one or more of the suggested focal areas below. These examples are neither mandatory nor limiting. Network tasks should address needs at a National and International level, include Low and Middle Income Country (LMIC) aspects and consider the One Health approach.

Examples of Network focal areas could include, but are not limited to:

-Develop blueprints on: strategic focus, governance, funding/sustainability, infrastructure, engagement, implementation, the unique selling point of the JPIAMR-VRI, and/or addressing innovative “out of the box” ideas.

- Develop a Communication and Knowledge Translation Strategy.

- Develop a Partnerships Strategy to ensure key stakeholders, including industry and policy makers, and other networks are engaged and coordinate the alignment of other funded Networks.

- Develop a Strategic Action Plan on Training to identify opportunities for capacity building and strengthen capability, with a focus on young investigators.

- Develop a plan for a Global Platform for data sharing (e.g. clinical samples/data, scientific information and infrastructures including libraries or catalogues)

- Develop a Map of other funded Networks (e.g. current information on expertise, fields of interest, demographics, available technologies and resources)


Eligibility & participating countries

- Applications must be led by a coordinator from an eligible institution within one of the JPIAMR participating countries, see below.

- A Network needs to have at least 15 partners from 10 different countries. At least three partners must be from the countries contributing funding to this call. It is also strongly advised to include at least one partner from a LMIC.

- Individuals cannot act as Network coordinator for more than one proposal.

- Members can be added continuously to the Network as it develops.

- Each funding agency would potentially fund any high quality Network, involving eligible participants, on any topic.

- Networks may combine two or more topics into one application.

- In the course of the JPIAMR peer review process, merging of related Networks applying on similar and complimentary topics may be suggested.


Participating Countries


Consortia of eligible scientists from:

Canada (Canadian Institute for Health Research),

Egypt (Academy of Scientific Research & Technology ASRT),

France(National Research Agency ANR),

Germany (The Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF),

Italy (Ministry of Health It-MOH),

Netherlands (The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development ZonMW),

Norway (The Research Council of Norway RCN),

Spain (The National Institute of Health Carlos III),

Sweden (The Swedish Research Council VR)

United Kingdom (The Medical Research Council MRC).



6 to 12 months



€50,000 per coordinator


Call (URL)


Submission Tool: