Science, innovation and commitment

Mutation in DOCK11 gene explains rare disorder in immune system regulation

Researchers from the Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu - SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital participate in an international study, published in the prestigious scientific journal New England Journal of Medicine, which describes for the first time a new disease of the immune system caused by a mutation of the DOCK11 gene.

New discoveries about the EWS-FLI oncogene involved in the development of Ewing's tumor

Researchers from IRSJD · SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital and IRB Barcelona have successfully developed Drosophila models expressing the EWS-FLI oncogene at varying levels, overcoming previous toxicity challenges and enabling detailed study of Ewing sarcoma's oncogenic pathways.

New Therapeutic Targets to Fight Type 2 Diabetes

A study led by Dr Manuel Vázquez-Carreras presents an integrative view of the most outstanding advances in understanding this process and helping to identify new pharmacological targets in the fight against type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The first living pediatric patients brain tissue laboratory in Europe

King's College London and Sant Joan de Déu have formalized an agreement to develop a new living pediatric patients brain pediatric tissue laboratory. The laboratory is set to open at the beginning of 2025 and will be led by Dr. Óscar Marín, a neuroscience expert.


i4KIDS | Pediatric Innovation Day 2024

A gathering of people passionate about pediatric healthcare. Meet experts, clinicians, startup founders and innovators from all over Europe. We're here to exchange ideas and drive forward pediatric innovations.

Riga (Latvia) & online


Patient Involvement in research projects

The Fundació de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu · Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu is organizing its 1rst conference on patient involvement in research projects.

Auditori Plaza · SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital

11-13:30 h


Manel González-Piñero

Headof Innovation at CREB UPC and XarTEC SALUT

"Our main objectives are to develop a technologies map of the members of XarTEC SALUT and to find the most effective ways to support them."

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