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Effect of Cerebral Oximetry-Guided Treatment on Brain Injury in Preterm Infants as Assessed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging at Term Equivalent Age: An Ancillary SafeBoosC-III Study
Neonatology . : 38-45. Nº de citas: 1
Hansen ML, Pellicer A, Hyttel-Sørensen S, Ergenekon E, Szczapa T, Hagmann C, Naulaers G, Mintzer J, Fumagalli M, Dimitriou G, Dempsey E, Tkaczyk J, Cheng G, Fredly S, Heuchan AM, Pichler G, Fuchs H, Nesargi S, Hahn GH, Piris-Borregas S, Širc J, Alsina-Casanova M, Stocker M, Ozkan H, Sarafidis K, Hopper AO, Karen T, Rzepecka-Weglarz B, Oguz SS, Arruza L, Memisoglu AC, del Río-Florentino R, Baserga M, Maton P, Truttmann AC, de Las Cuevas I, Agergaard P, Zafra P, Bender L, Lauterbach R, Lecart C, de Buyst J, El-Khuffash A, Curley A, Vaccarello OO, Miletin J, Papathoma E, Vesoulis Z, Vento G, Cornette L, Lopez LS, Yasa B, Klamer A, Agosti M, Baud O, Mastretta E, Cetinkaya M, McCall K, Zeng S, Hatzidaki E, Bargiel A, Marciniak S, Gao X, Huijia L, Chalak L, Yang L, Rao SA, Xu X, Gonzalez BL, Wilinska M, Yin Z, Sadowska-Krawczenko I, Serrano-Viñuales I, Krolak-Olejnik B, Ybarra MM, Morales-Betancourt C, Korcek P, Teresa-Palacio M, Mosca F, Hergenhan A, Koksal N, Tsoni K, Kadri MM, Knöpfli C, Rafinska-Wazny E, Akin MS, Nordvik T, Peng Z, Kersin SG, Thewissen L, Alarcon A, Healy D, Urlesberger B, Bas M, Baumgartner J, Skylogianni E, Karadyova V, Valverde E, Bergon-Sendin E, Kucera J, Pisoni S, Wang L, Smits A, Sanchez-Salmador R, Rasmussen MI, Olsen MH, Jensen AK, Gluud C, Jakobsen JC and Greisen G.
Cerebral Oximetry Monitoring in Extremely Preterm Infants
NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE . 388(16): 1501-1511. Nº de citas: 46
Eixarch E, Illa-Armengol M, Fucho R, Rezaei K, Hawkins-Villarreal A, Bobillo-Perez S, Randanne PC, Moran MA, Chorda M, Sanchez-Martinez S, de Roo YJ, Velilla-Aparicio M, del Río-Florentino R, Gállego M, Sanin-Ramirez D, Narvaez V, Crispi F, Bonet E and Gratacós E.
An Artificial Placenta Experimental System in Sheep: Critical Issues for Successful Transition and Survival up to One Week
Biomedicines . 11(3): . Nº de citas: 5
Marín Gabriel MA, Domingo Goneche L, Cuadrado Pérez I, Reyne Vergeli M, Forti Buratti A, Royuela Vicente A, Olabarrieta Arnal I, Sánchez L, Alonso Díaz C, Criado E, Carrizosa Molina T, Caserío Carbonero S, Casas Satre C, Fernández-Cañadas Morillo A and Neo-COVID-19 Research Group:.
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Breastfeeding Outcomes in Mothers with COVID-19 Infection During the First Weeks of the Pandemic in Spain.
JOURNAL OF HUMAN LACTATION . 37(4): 639-648. Nº de citas: 8
Rasmussen MI, Hansen ML, Pichler G, Dempsey E, Pellicer A, El-Khuffash A, A S, Piris-Borregas S, Alsina M, Cetinkaya M, Chalak L, Özkan H, Baserga M, Sirc J, Fuchs H, Ergenekon E, Arruza L, Mathur A, Stocker M, Otero Vaccarello O, Szczapa T, Sarafidis K, Królak-Olejnik B, Memisoglu A, Reigstad H, Rafinska-Wazny E, Hatzidaki E, Peng Z, Gkentzi D, Viellevoye R, De Buyst J, Mastretta E, Wang P, Hahn GH, Bender L, Cornette L, Tkaczyk J, del Río-Florentino R, Fumagalli M, Papathoma E, Wilinska M, Naulaers G, Sadowska-Krawczenko I, Lecart C, Couce ML, Fredly S, Heuchan AM, Karen T and Greisen G.
Extremely Preterm Infant Admissions Within the SafeBoosC-III Consortium During the COVID-19 Lockdown
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Multi-centre study showed reduced compliance with the World Health Organization recommendations on exclusive breastfeeding during COVID-19.
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Prediction of mortality in very low birth weight neonates in Spain
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del Río-Florentino R, Thió M, Bosio M, Figueras-Aloy J and Iriondo-Sanz M.
Prediction of mortality in premature neonates. An updated systematic review
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del Río-Florentino R, Ochoa C, Alarcon A, Arnáez J, Blanco D and García-Alix A.
Amplitude Integrated Electroencephalogram as a Prognostic Tool in Neonates with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Systematic Review
PLoS One . 11(11): . Nº de citas: 75
Izquierdo-Renau M, Martinez-Monseny T, Pociello N, Gonzalez P, del Río-Florentino R, Iriondo-Sanz M and Iglesias-Platas I.
Changes in Parenteral Nutrition During the First Week of Life Influence Early but Not Late Postnatal Growth in Very Low-Birth-Weight Infants
NUTRITION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE . 31(5): 666-672. Nº de citas: 8