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  • Kotera Y, Ronaldson A, Hayes D, Hunter-Brown H, McPhilbin M, Dunnett D, Jebara T, Takhi S, Masuda T, Camacho E, Bakolis I, Repper J, Meddings S, Stergiopoulos V, Brophy L, De Ruysscher C, Okoliyski M, Kubinová P, Eplov L, Toernes C, Narusson D, Tinland A, Puschner B, Hiltensperger R, Lucchi F, Miyamoto Y, Castelein S, Borg M, Klevan TG, Tan Boon Meng R, Sornchai C, Tiengtom K, Farkas M, Moreland Jones H, Moore E, Butler A, Mpango R, Tse S, Kondor Z, Ryan M, Zuaboni G, Elton D, Grant-Rowles J, McNaughton R, Hanlon C, Harcla C, Vanderplasschen W, Arbour S, Silverstone D, Bejerholm U, Powell C, Ochoa S, García-Franco M, Tolonen J, Yeo C, Charles A, Henderson C and Slade M.

    28-country global study on associations between cultural characteristics and Recovery College fidelity.

    npj mental health research . 3(1): 46-46.


  • Hayes D, Hunter-Brown H, Camacho E, McPhilbin M, Elliott RA, Ronaldson A, Bakolis I, Repper J, Meddings S, Stergiopoulos V, Brophy L, Miyamoto Y, Castelein S, Klevan TG, Elton D, Grant-Rowles J, Kotera Y, Henderson C and Slade M.

    Organisational and student characteristics, fidelity, funding models, and unit costs of recovery colleges in 28 countries: a cross-sectional survey.

    LANCET PSYCHIATRY . 10(10): 768-779. Nº de citas: 11


  • Vilamala S, Puig M, Ochoa S, JOSÉ RAMÓN MARTIN MARTÍNEZ, Hernández A, JOAQUIM BALSERA GÓMEZ, Verdaguer M, Villellas R, Arenas O and García-Franco M.

    Assessment of the treatment needs of community recovery Services in Spain: From the perspective of service users, families, and mental health professionals.

    HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY . 30(6): 5819-5830.


  • Escandell MJ, GEMMA PRAT VIGUÉ, García-Franco M, JOSÉ RAMÓN MARTIN MARTÍNEZ, Ochoa S, Tortadès I, Vilamala S, Verdaguer M and Casas E.

    Clinical symptoms and social functioning in schizophrenia.

    revista de psiquiatria y salud mental . 15(4): 251-258.


  • Escandell MJ, GEMMA PRAT VIGUÉ, García-Franco M, JOSÉ RAMÓN MARTIN MARTÍNEZ, Ochoa S, Tortadès I, Vilamala S, Verdaguer M and Casas E.

    Clinical symptoms and social functioning in schizophrenia.

    Spanish journal of psychiatry and mental health . 15(4): 251-258. Nº de citas: 3


  • González RP, Tortadès I, Alpiste F, Fernandez J, Torner J, García-Franco M, Martin-Martínez JR, Vilamala S, Escandell MJ, Casas E, GEMMA PRAT VIGUÉ and Ochoa S.

    Usability of a Psychotherapeutic Interactive Gaming Tool Used in Facial Emotion Recognition for People with Schizophrenia.

    Journal of Personalized Medicine . 11(3): 214.


  • GEMMA PRAT VIGUÉ, Escandell MJ, García-Franco M, JOSÉ RAMÓN MARTIN MARTÍNEZ, Tortadès I, Vilamala S, Calderón M, Torras R, Ochoa S and Casas E.

    Gender differences in social functioning in people with schizophrenia in psychosocial rehabilitation services using one-dimensional and multidimensional instruments.

    COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY . 87: 120-122. Nº de citas: 10


  • Ochoa S, Martínez-Zambrano F, Vila R, Arenas O, Casas-Anguera E, García-Morales E, Villellas R, Martín JR, Pérez-Franco MB, Valduciel T, García-Franco M, Miguel J, Balsera J, Pascual G, Julia E, Casellas D and Haro JM.

    Spanish validation of the social stigma scale: Community Attitudes towards Mental Illness.

    Spanish journal of psychiatry and mental health . 9(3): 150-157. Nº de citas: 33


  • Vila R, Martínez-Zambrano F, Arenas O, Casas E, García-Morales E, Villellas R, Martín JR, Pérez-Franco MB, Valduciel T, Casellas D, García-Franco M, Miguel J, Balsera J, Pascual G, Julia E and Ochoa S.

    Effectiveness of an intervention for reducing social stigma towards mental illness in adolescents.

    World Journal of Psychiatry . 6(2): 239-247. Nº de citas: 14


  • Ochoa S, Martínez-Zambrano F, García-Franco M, Vilamala S, Ribas M, Arenas O, Garcia-Morales E, Álvarez I, Escartin G, Villellas R, Escandell MJ, Martínez-Raves M, López-Arias E, Cunyat C and Haro JM.

    Development and validation of the Self-Stigma Questionnaire (SSQ) for people with schizophrenia and its relation to social functioning.

    COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY . 62: 93-99. Nº de citas: 17
