ERANet-LAC 3rd Multi-Thematic Joint Call 2017/2018 involving Research Infrastructures

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:


Objectiu de la convocatòria

EU-LAC Health (Defining a Roadmap for Cooperative Health research between the EU and Latin America-Caribbean countries: a Policy Oriented Approach) is a project co-funded by the EU (European Union) through the 7th Framework Programme. Its main goal is the definition of a detailed roadmap to guide policy-makers and other stakeholders on future actions to support cooperative health research between European (EU) and Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) countries.

Característiques principals

Topic in Health

Infectious Diseases: Early Detection Research including both, Screening and Diagnosis

Participating Funding Agencies: Belgium (F.R.S. – FNRS), Germany (BMBF), Israel (CSO-MOH) Spain (ISCIII), Turkey (TUBITAK), AND

Bolivia (MINEDU), Brazil (CNPq), Brazil (FAPESP), Chile (CONICYT), Cuba (FONCI), Dominican Republic (MESCYT), Ecuador (SENESCYT), Guatemala (CONCYT), , Panama (SENACYT), Peru (CONCYTEC), Uruguay (ANII).


  • Specific challenge: The design of new techniques to early detection of infections including both screening methods and confirmation diagnosis procedures. National and international agencies require diagnostic procedures with very high accuracy and reliability to detect the microorganism and the disease impact. Otherwise they cannot be licensed as clinical diagnostic techniques.


  • Scope: The high morbidity and mortality still associated to many infections are related to difficulty for their early detection. Most of patients with risk factors to a number of infectious diseases are inappropriate treated since reliable and early methods to detect the infection do not exist.


  • Expected impact for both regions:
    • Reduce the overtreatment which generates toxicity and unnecessary expenses, and also increasing the likelihood of developing resistance to antimicrobial agents.
    • Development of diagnosis system for viable but non-cultured pathogens
    • Development of diagnosis systems for novel and emerging pathogenic microorganisms
    • Novel diagnostic approaches using new sequencing and high throughput sequencing



  • Only transnational projects will be funded.Applicants must be eligible for funding according to the regulations of their respective national Funding Organizations.


  • They can represent public and private scientific, research, technological and innovation institutions on national, federal or EU-LAC regional level, research active industry and NGOs and other institutions involved in research activities, as long as they are eligible for funding according to the respective national and/or institutional regulations.


  • Each consortium submitting a proposal must involve a minimum of four eligible partners from four different countries with at least two countries from each region. Partners not eligible for funding may also be part of the consortia if they are able to clearly demonstrate an added value to the consortium and secure their own funding.



Maximum funding per awarded Spanish project partner funded by ISCIII:

• Up to 100.000 € per partner (overheads included)

• Up to 150.000 € per coordinator (overheads included)



Up to three years


Convocatòria (URL)


Informació addicional

Project proposals must be submitted electronically using the webtool: