ERC Synergy Grant

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:

Característiques Principals

ERC Synergy Grants are intended to enable minimum two to maximum four Principal Investigators (PIs) and their teams to bring together complementary skills, knowledge, and resources in new ways, in order to jointly address ambitious research questions. Independent researchers of any age and career stage can apply for up to six years funding. No specific eligibility criteria regarding the academic training are foreseen for PIs applying for ERC Synergy Grants.

Applications can be made in any field of research with an emphasis on the frontiers of science, scholarship and engineering. In particular, proposals of an interdisciplinary nature which cross the boundaries between different fields of research, pioneering proposals addressing new and emerging fields of research or proposals introducing unconventional, innovative approaches and scientific inventions are encouraged. This should enable transformative research to become a benchmark not only at the forefront of European science but also on a global scale.
Applicant PIs must demonstrate the synergies, complementarities and added value that could lead to breakthroughs that would not be possible by the individual PIs working alone.
'Synergy' must not be perceived as similar to mere cooperation or networking, but rather as a unique combination of knowledge and skills in tackling those research problems that require precisely this novel and unique combination. Consequently, each proposal must demonstrate that its objectives can only be achieved through the specific combination of knowledge and skills brought together by the participating PIs. In other words, each proposal must make clear its synergetic effect.

Guiding principles of the ERC Synergy Grants ¿ A small group of PIs (2 to 4) with a designated corresponding PI (cPI) can apply for funding. ¿ Scientific excellence is the sole criterion on the basis of which ERC frontier research grants are awarded - synergetic aspects enrich this criterion. ¿ Applications must demonstrate that the proposed research cannot be carried out by a single PI working alone.¿ Synergy grants aims to tackle truly bold scientific challenges through a unique combination of skills and knowledge of the PIs. ¿ Applications can be made in any field of research. ¿ PIs from anywhere in the world can apply for an ERC grant. ¿ HIs must be established in an EU Member State4 or Associated Country5 . ¿ Grants are awarded to the corresponding HI (cHI) that engages and hosts the cPI. The cPI will be employed by the cHI, while other applicant PIs may be engaged by different Host Institutions. ¿ Grants are awarded for up to 6 years, with a normal grant size of up to EUR 10 000 000, with an additional up to EUR 4 000 000 in special cases to cover: (a) eligible "start-up" costs for Principal Investigators moving to the EU or an Associated Country from elsewhere as a consequence of receiving the ERC grant and/or (b) the purchase of major equipment and/or (c) access to large facilities7 .  ¿ HIs must provide conditions for the PIs' independence to direct the research and manage its funding.


Presentació de Sol·licituds

Applications should be submitted by the corresponding PI (cPI) on behalf of the corresponding applicant legal entity, the group and their Host Institutions 1. Administrative forms (Part A) Including an Ethics Review Table 2. Part B1: Extended Synopsis: 5 pages Funding ID table: separate table for each PI Curriculum Vitae: 2 pages for each PI Track Record: 2 pages for each PI 3. 3. Part B2: Scientific Proposal: 15 pages, with a resources section in addition to the 15 pages, with budget breakdown for each PI 4. Corresponding Host Institution Binding Statement of Support 5. If applicable, the ethics self-assessment explaining how the ethics issues will be treated.



Restrictions on submissions of proposals
A researcher may participate as corresponding Principal Investigator or Principal Investigator in only one ERC frontier research project at any one time. In case a Principal Investigator submits proposals to different ERC frontier research grant calls made under the same Work Programme, only the first eligible proposal will be evaluated. It is not allowed to participate as a Principal Investigator in multiple Synergy Grant applications.

Restrictions apply
A Principal Investigator whose proposal was rejected on the grounds of a breach of research integrity in the calls for proposals under Work Programmes 2016 or 2017 may not submit a proposal to the calls for proposals made under Work Programme 2018 11 .
A researcher participating as Principal Investigator in an ERC frontier research project may not submit a proposal for another ERC frontier research grant, unless the existing project ends no more than two years after the call deadline (i.e. the current grant has to end before 14 November 2019).

Restrictions that Scientific Council intends to apply for the 2019 Synergy call
A Principal Investigator whose proposal was evaluated as category B at step 1 or step 2 in the Synergy Grant call for proposals under Work Programme 2018 may not submit a proposal to the Synergy Grant calls for proposals made under Work Programme 2019.
A Principal Investigator whose proposal was evaluated as category C at step 1 in the Synergy Grant call for proposals under Work Programme 2018 may not submit a proposal to any ERC research grant calls for proposals made under Work Programme 2019 or for the Synergy Grant call in 2020.