European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR): 2017 Global Call for Proposals

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
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The European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) aims to promote democracy and human rights worldwide through support to civil society initiatives. The key objectives of the EIDHR are:  supporting, developing and consolidating democracy in third countries, by enhancing participatory and representative democracy, strengthening the overall democratic cycle, in particular by reinforcing an active role for civil society within this cycle, and the rule of law;  enhancing respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, as proclaimed in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international and regional human rights instruments, and strengthening their protection, promotion, implementation and monitoring, mainly through support to relevant civil society organisations, human rights defenders and victims of repression and abuse. The EIDHR is global in scope. It operates at national, regional and international levels and supports actions carried out in third countries outside the European Union, throughout the world.


Objective of the call

The objective of this call for proposals is to support civil society in its actions to support the protection and the promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms worldwide, also in line with the European Consensus on Development.



Lot 1: Supporting Human Rights Defenders (HRD) in the area of land-related rights, indigenous peoples, in the context of inter alia 'land grabbing' and climate change. Objectives: a) to reinforce the capacities of HRDs to do their work on environmental and land issues at local/national level; b) to reinforce their resilience capacities to face severe repression through defamation, smear and stigmatisation, with a strong gender perspective; c) to support their engagement with State and nonState actors through dialogues and mediation activities to ensure the respect of their rights, and to overcome impunity and the lack of access to remedy for victims. Budget: 5 million euro.

Lot 2: Fighting against extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances. Objectives: a) prevention of enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings; b) promotion of accountability for perpetrators and the search for remedy for victims and their families in cases of enforced disappearances and/or extrajudicial killings. Budget: 5 million euro.

Lot 3: Combating forced labour and modern slavery. Objective: to support actions contributing to combat forced labour in the agriculture/forestry sector with coercive recruitment practices. Budget: 5 million euro.

Lot 4: Promoting and supporting the rights of persons with disabilities. Objectives: a) to promote the ratification, implementation and monitoring of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol; b) to foster partnerships between human rights civil society organisations and disabled peoples' organisations and/or civil society organisations working for persons with disabilities in order to integrate disability within their wider human rights work. Budget: 5 million euro.

Lot 5: Supporting freedom of religion or belief. Objectives: a) to promote everyone's freedom to believe or not to believe with a focus on countries or situations where individuals are penalised for the act of freely choosing, changing or abandoning their religion or belief; b) to promote the right either alone or in community with others, in public or private, to express or manifest a religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance; c) to prevent and combat discrimination, intolerance and violence on grounds of religion or belief in all its forms; e) to enhance mutual understanding and respect between individuals of different faith or none, contributing to inclusive communities accepting diversity and capable of addressing potential conflicts in a peaceful manner. Budget: 5 million euro


Eligible applicants

Non-profit organisation, such as: civil society organisations, including non-governmental non-profit organisations and independent political foundations, community-based organisations, indigenous peoples’ organisations, disabled persons organisations and private-sector non-profit agencies, institutions and organisations and networks thereof at local, national, regional and international level, National Human Rights Institutions, Ombudspersons, non-profit-making universities.


Partnership criteria

The lead applicant may act individually or with co-applicant(s). However, to be eligible, an action must include at least one local organisation established in one of the countries outside EU where the action is taking place. Projects must take place in at least two countries outside the European Union.



The grant amount is between 250.000 and 1 million euro per project. The grant can cover between 51% and 95% of the project costs.


Projects duration

Between 30 and 36 months


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