Daphne call – Prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:

Objective of the call

The aim of the Daphne call is to fund national or transnational projects in the field of prevention and fight of gender-based violence and violence against children.


12,7 million euro


Project proposals can be submitted in one of the following five priorities:

1. Prevention of gender-based violence (GBV): The focus is on primary prevention, i.e. changing social attitudes and behaviour, in order to end tolerance of all forms of violence. This involves tackling prejudices and gender stereotypes and norms that encourage or condone violence, as well as preventing victimisation through education about healthy relationships and their rights. Budget: 2,5 million euro.

2. Protection and support for victims of gender-based violence and violence against children, including through tackling under-reporting and promoting multi-disciplinary cooperation among relevant professionals. This priority aims to contribute to the implementation of: Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime; Directive 2011/99/EU on the European Protection Order; Regulation 606/2013 on mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matter. Budget: 3,2 million euro.

3. Coordination and/or adaptation of support services for sexual and gender-based violence to include refugees and migrants, in particular to ensure their recovery from such trauma. The aim is not to create new or parallel services but to adapt them in an inclusive manner. This priority is intended to build capacity and adapt frameworks to include people in migration, in a practical way, for example where outreach to new reception facilities and structures are needed or where the involvement of cultural mediators/interpreters could help. Budget: 3 million euro.

4. Treatment of perpetrators, in order to prevent reoffending. The aim is to support the development of perpetrator treatment programmes and capacity-building among professionals working in this area, with the aim of preventing reoffending and further protecting victims. Budget: 1 million euro.

5. National coordinating frameworks or action plans for violence against children (supporting Member States and other actors). The aim is to support Member States in developing and implementing national coordinating frameworks to eliminate all forms of violence against children in line with the 10 Principles for integrated child protection systems and taking account of the Council of Europe Policy Guidelines on Integrated National Strategies for the Protection of Children from Violence as well as United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child General Comment 13 on the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence. Budget: 3 million euro.

Eligible activities

This call will fund the following activities:

- For all priorities: mutual learning, exchange of good practices, cooperation design and implementation of protocols, development of working methods which may be transferable to other regions or countries capacity building and training for professionals;

- For priorities 1 and 2: awareness-raising and education activities;

- For priority 3: empowerment of refugee/migrant communities and efforts to include them in support services adaptation of existing services/structures/frameworks/methodology, including outreach to new reception facilities and structures or involvement of new actors (e.g. cultural mediators/interpreters);

- For priority 5: development or adaptation and/or implementation of national coordinating frameworks or action plans for violence against children, taking account of the different national starting points; awareness-raising and capacity-building to foster participation and ownership in the development of such national frameworks or action plans in line with paragraph 71 of United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, General Comment No 13 (2011), for instance through a multidisciplinary working group which meets regularly and has appropriate decision-making power.

- For priorities 1, 2, 3 and 4, projects are welcome to focus on specific forms of violence or particular groups of victims.

Eligible applicants

Applicants and partners must be legally constituted non-profit public or private organisations, or international organisations.

Partnership criteria

Projects can be either national or transnational and must involve at least two organisations. At least one public authority from each participating country must either be involved in the project (as applicant or co-applicant) or by providing substantial support.

For projects related to gender-based violence, these public authorities can be national, regional or local Ministries/agencies/equality bodies responsible for gender equality and/or provision of services to victims of violence or perpetrators; police, judicial, health or education authorities etc., as relevant.

For projects related to children, these public authorities can be Ministries and/or agencies responsible for children (e.g. child protection agencies and services, national guardianship institutions, Ministries for children, child protection, education, health, social affairs, justice, children's ombudspersons and/or national human rights institutes for children, etc).


The grant cannot be lower than 75.000 euro and cannot cover more than 80% of overall eligible project costs.


In case of interest, please contact with Research Management Department until 7th November 2017.

More information at: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/rec/topics/rec-rdap-gbv-ag-2017.html