ERC-2017-AdG - European Research Council Advanced Grants

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:

Objectiu de la convocatòria

Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.



ERC Advanced Grant Principal Investigators are expected to be active researchers and to have a track record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years which must be presented in the application. There is little prospect of an application succeeding in the absence of such a record, which identifies investigators as exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions.



Up to a maximum of EUR 2 500 000 for a period of 5 years.
However, up to an additional EUR 1 000 000 can be requested in the proposal to cover
(a) eligible "start-up" costs for Principal Investigators moving to the EU or an Associated Country from elsewhere as a consequence of receiving the ERC grant, and/or
(b) the purchase of major equipment and/or
(c) access to large facilities.



Up to 5 years



Restrictions on applications will apply to the 2017 calls based on the outcome of the evaluation of previous calls – see restrictions on submission of proposals under the “Eligibility criteria” section in the Work Programme.

Restrictions on applications will also apply to Principal Investigators whose proposals have been rejected on grounds of breach of research integrity.

For the first time under Horizon 2020, beneficiaries of ERC frontier research grants funded under this Work Programme will automatically be covered by the provisions on research data sharing unless they specifically decide to opt-out – see section on open access under “Objectives and Principles of ERC Funding” in the Work Programme.


Convocatòria (URL)