Rights, Equality and Citizenship call – Prevent and combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:

Objective of the call

The call is aimed at supporting projects contributing to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance. Proposals may explore the use of all available tools and forms of cooperation between national authorities, non-governmental organisations, communities and international organisations and bodies, and are encouraged to be developed on the basis of a holistic approach.



Project proposals can be submitted in one of the following four priorities:

1. Preventing and combating Antisemitism

2. Preventing and combating anti-Muslim hatred and intolerance 3. Preventing and combating xenophobia and anti-migrant hatred 4. Preventing and combating other forms of intolerance, such as homophobia and transphobia, anti-gypsyism, Afrophobia, hate crimes against persons with disabilities.


Eligible activities

This call will fund the following activities:

- Mutual learning and exchange of good practices between Member States, with a view to build capacity and assist national authorities and practitioners alike in replicating and adapting to different national contexts effective tools, measures and policies to address racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance;

-Development of tools and practices to improve responses to these phenomena, including but not limited to means of criminal law. This may include, for example, the development of protocols, practical toolkits, IT systems and programmes, educational material, trainings and action plans, aimed at supporting the work of competent authorities in the field of law enforcement and criminal justice, but also other relevant areas such as non-discrimination, education and culture, health, sport, social inclusion and integration, or a combination of these. The involvement of relevant national authorities will be considered an added value in this context;

-Supporting victims of hate crime and hate speech and addressing the issue of underreporting, including trust building between communities and national authorities. Projects contributing to the effective implementation on the ground of relevant provisions of the EU Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime are of particular interest. Projects aimed at improving reporting rates of hate crime and hate speech to the competent authorities are equally of particular interest, as well as projects focused on improving and strengthening trustful relations and cooperation between national authorities (such as police, prosecutors, health authorities and educational personnel) and relevant groups or communities;

-Achieving strengthened cooperation between key actors through the establishment or the development of multi-actor and multi-sectorial partnerships aimed at achieving relevant objectives related to better preventing and countering racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance;

-Capacity building and training activities, including but not limited to the area of criminal law (i.e. the implementation of relevant national legislation on hate crime and hate speech) addressed to public authorities and bodies across different areas of interest (such as justice, law enforcement, education and culture, health, sport, social inclusion and integration) as well as to non-state actors;

-Activities creating better understanding between communities, including through interreligious and intercultural activities and projects focusing on coalition building. These may include, for example, the establishment or development of networks and spaces for dialogue and exchange, awareness raising activities and campaigns, projects focusing on the empowerment of communities and community leaders, initiatives for the youth, projects aimed at fostering social cohesion and stimulate a sense of belonging including through arts;

-Dissemination and awareness raising activities. Projects aimed at fostering a well-informed public debate on issues related to racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance, building positive narratives and breaking prejudice and stereotypes, possibly on the basis of a participatory approach, are of particular interest.


Eligible applicants

Applicants and partners must be legally constituted non-profit public or private organisations, or international organisations.


Partnership criteria

Projects can be either national or transnational and must involve at least two organisations.



The grant cannot be lower than 75.000 euro and cannot cover more than 80% of overall eligible project costs.


Projects duration

Maximum 24 months


More information at

http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/rec/topics/rec-rrac-raci-ag- 2017.html