Human Frontier Science Program - Research Grants

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:


To support innovative basic research into fundamental biological problems with emphasis placed on novel and interdisciplinary approaches that involve scientific exchanges across national and disciplinary boundaries.

To stimulate novel, daring ideas and innovative approaches, preliminary results are not required in research grant applications.

Type of awards

Young Investigators' Grants:

- All members of Young Investigators Grant must be within 5 years obtaining an independent position but must have obtained their PhD or equivalent not longer than 10 years before the deadline for submission of the letter of intent.

Program Grants:

- Program Grants are meant to allow teams of independent researchers to develop new lines of research through the collaboration. Priority will be given to new, innovative research projects for which preliminary results might not necessarily be available. All members of a Program Grant team must be in a position to initiate and direct their own independent lines of research. They must have responsibility for their own laboratories and show evidence of independence. "Postdocs" are not eligible to apply.


Up to $450.000 per year for the whole team depending on the size of the team

How to apply

1. You must register and obtain a reference number (LIXXXXXX/2016) by March 19th 2015.

2. You must submit a "letter of intent" to apply for a grant before March 31st 2015.

3. The Principal Applicant will be notified by the beginning of July 2015 if the team is invited to submit a full application.

4. The deadline for the full application will be mid-September 2015.

In case of interest, contact with Research's Department before March 12nd 2015