Programme Erasmus+: Collaborative Partnerships for Sport- EAC/A03/2016

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:


The Sport chapter in the Erasmus+ Programme aims to support European partnerships on grassrootssport in order to pursue the following objectives: a) tackle cross-border threats to the integrity ofsport, such as doping, match fixing and violence, as well as all kinds of intolerance anddiscrimination; b) to promote and support good governance in sport and dual careers of athletes; c)to promote voluntary activities in sport, together with social inclusion, equal opportunities andawareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity, through increased participationin, and equal access to sport for all.


Objectives of the call

The call concerns two types of actions:

Collaborative Partnerships:

they offer the opportunity to develop, transfer and/orimplement innovative practices in different areas relating to sport and physical activitybetween various organisations and actors in and outside sport. Collaborative Partnerships areinnovative projects aimed to: a) Encourage participation in sport and physical activity,especially by supporting the implementation of the Council Recommendation on healthenhancingphysical activity and being in line with the EU Physical Activity Guidelines; b)Encourage participation in sport and physical activity, especially by supporting theEuropean Week of Sport; c) Promote education in and through sport with special focus onskills development, as well support the implementation of the EU Guidelines Dual Careersof Athletes; d) Promote voluntary activity in sport; e) Combat doping, notably inrecreational environments; f) Combat match-fixing; g) Improve good governance in sport;h) Combat violence and tackle racism, discrimination and intolerance in sport; i) Encouragesocial inclusion and equal opportunities in sport.


Small Collaborative Partnerships:

they allow organisations to develop and reinforcenetworks, increase their capacity to operate at transnational level, exchange good practices,confront ideas and methods in different areas relating to sport and physical activity. Projectsare aimed to: a) Encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport; b) PromoteEuropean traditional sports and games; c) Support the mobility of volunteers, coaches,managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations; d) Protect athletes, especially theyoungest, from health and safety hazards by improving training and competition conditions;e) Promote education in and through sport with special focus on skills development.A particular focus is put on projects that address grassroots sports.


Eligible activities

Projects can cover a broad range of activities, such as for example:- networking among key stakeholders;- promotion, identification and sharing of good practices;- preparation, development and implementation of training and educational modules andtools;- improve the evidence-base of sport to tackle societal and economic challenges (collection ofdata underpinning the aforementioned activities, surveys, consultations, etc.);- awareness-raising activities on the value of sport and physical activity in relation to thepersonal, social and professional development of individuals;- activities to promote innovative synergies between the field of sport and the fields of health,education, training and youth;- conferences, seminars, meetings, events and awareness-raising actions underpinning theaforementioned activities.


Eligible applicants

The following organisations can apply:- a public body in charge of sport at local, regional or national level;- a National Olympic Committee or National Sport confederation;- a sport organisation at local, regional, national, European or international level;- a national sports league;- a sport club;- an organisation or union representing athletes;- an organisation or unions representing professionals and volunteers in sport;- an organisation representing the 'sport for all' movement;- an organisation active in the field of physical activity promotion;- an organisation representing the active leisure sector;- an organisation active in the field of education, training or youth (only in CollaborativePartnerships).


Eligible countries

The applicant and partners must be based in the EU and in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein,Macedonia and Turkey.


Partnership criteria

- Collaborative Partnerships: the project must involve a minimum of 5 organisations from5 different eligible countries.- Small Collaborative Partnerships: the project must involve a minimum of 3organisations from 3 different eligible countries.



The maximum grant awarded to a project is:- Collaborative Partnerships: 400.000 euro.- Small Collaborative Partnerships: 60.000 euro.


Project duration

- Collaborative Partnerships: between 12 and 36 months.- Small Collaborative Partnerships: between 12 and 24 months.


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