2016 EESC Civil Society Prize

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:


The prize is an initiative of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The aim is to reward and encourage initiatives of civil society organisations and/or individuals that have made a significant contribution to promoting European identity and integration. The overall objective of the prize is to raise awareness of the contribution that civil society organisations and/or individuals can make to the creation of a European identity and citizenship in a way that underpins the common values that shore up European integration.



The prize is awarded annually. The theme of 2016 is: migrants. Considering that integration is a two-way process in which social partners, local authorities and civil society all play an essential role, the EESC wishes to reward initiatives aiming at improving migrants' lives and fostering their integration in society. The theme of this year's prize is closely linked to the work of the European Migration Forum, the civil society platform jointly organised by the European Commission and the EESC, where organisations and the European institutions discuss challenges and priorities relating inter alia to the integration of third-country nationals in the EU.


Eligible activities

The prize rewards initiatives which have been already implemented or are still ongoing and which fulfil at least one of the following requirements:

- provide migrants and refugees with first responses and immediate relief;

- provide social support, housing and health services to third-country nationals;

- offer support and advice as regards administrative procedures and services available in the receiving country and help third-country nationals overcome practical hurdles related to access to housing, health services, education, employment, public services etc.;

- combat xenophobia, racism, discrimination and prejudice against third-country nationals;

- combat exploitation and promote the respect of third-country nationals' human rights;

- raise awareness of the rights and obligations of third-country nationals;

- raise awareness among receiving communities about the reality of third-country nationals; work towards creating a cultural and social consensus that it is important and beneficial to invest in integrating immigrants into European society and the labour market; help recognise the positive contribution that third-country nationals can make to receiving communities; promote tolerance

- facilitate an open-minded attitude and mutual knowledge between third-country nationals and the receiving communities;

- promote fair treatment of and equal opportunities for third-country nationals in the workplace by various means, including raising awareness among employers and tackling informal employment of third-country nationals;

- facilitate social inclusion of third-country nationals and foster their empowerment and participation in the social, economic, political and cultural life of the receiving country;

- provide training for third-country nationals

- provide training for receiving communities, particularly intercultural and interreligious training;

- raise awareness of potential migrants of the legal requirements for being granted asylum in EU Member States and paint a more realistic picture of the life in Europe in the countries of origin of migrants;

- raise awareness, exchange information and spread best practices on the integration and inclusion of third-country nationals.


Eligible applicants

The Prize is open to civil society organisations officially registered within the European Union and acting at local, regional, national or European level. It is also open to individuals.



The Committee plans to award a maximum of 5 Prizes. The first prize has a value of 14.000 Euro. The amount of the other prizes is 9.000 Euro. If place one is shared among more than one winner ex aequo, the amount of each of the first prizes is respectively 11.500 Euro for two first prizes, 10.600 for three first prizes and 10.250 Euro for four first prizes and 10.000 for five first prizes. The prize award ceremony will take place on 15 December 2016, during the EESC plenary session. Two representatives per winner will be invited to the ceremony, with travel and accommodation organised by the EESC.

More information at



In case of interest, please contact Research Support Office (Leonor Norton, lnorton@fsjd.org, recerca@fsjd.org).