Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:


The call for commitments of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing aims the support to scaling up of innovations in Active and Healthy Ageing (Scale AHA).

Being part of the largest European network of organisations active in the promotion, development and deployment of active and healthy ageing innovation allows the access to:

a) An extensive "evidence-base" of innovative practices for active and healthy ageing;

b) The latest information about European, national and regional initiatives;

c) Discover the right partners that can help you succeed in developing new projects and scaling up innovation for active and healthy ageing.

Numerous benefits can result from becoming a partner of the EIP on AHA:

Cooperation with European partners, Visibility of your activitiesRecognition of effortsExchange of best and innovative practicesSupport for implementation of new projects, finding new partners / solutions / markets,Contribution to a joint European approach to active and healthy ageing (incl. research and innovation programmes).

The commitment

A commitment is the declaration of intention to carry out or to contribute to the work of one or several organisations as part of EIP on AHA Action Group. Commitments must be in line with the overall priorities of the EIP on AHA. Commitments should be based on existing activities, but can also include activities starting in the near future, up to 12 months from the submission of the commitment.

The call is open to any organisation from all over the world, involved in developing, promoting or deploying innovative solutions for active and healthy ageing, to come forward with projects and initiatives that they will implement in the coming 3 years.

The commitments are organised within action groups and must be in line with the overall priorities of the EIP on AHA.

Action Groups

A1- Adherence to prescription and medical plans;

A2-Personalized health management and prevention of falls

A3- Prevention of functional decline and frailty

B3- Replicating and tutoring integrated care for chronic diseases

C2- Development of interoperable independent living solutions

D4- Innovation for age friendly buildings, cities and environments

Commitments that are not linked with one of the 6 Action Groups can be made, if they are aligned with the Strategic Implementation Plan 2011 themes.

Submitting a commitment implies a sustained participation in the activities of the EIP on AHA. Reports on the progress and outcomes of your activities will be requested. Submitting a commitment is the beginning of a process of collaboration.

Partners are driven by their willingness to collaborate with other organisations that share complementary expertise or that have gone through similar projects, therefore avoiding the "reinvention of the wheel". The active participation in the work of the action groups of the EIP on AHA is a way of interacting and having access to organisations that share similar goals and access some of the leading international experts in the field.

Coalitions or a set of multiple organisations can also submit a commitment. The leading organisation should provide the contact details and specify what other organisations are participating.


Becoming a partner of the EIP on AHA is not subject to any fees or financial contribution. All work carried out by the partners of the EIP on AHA is purely on a voluntary basis. The EIP on AHA is supported by the European Commission and the only contribution that partners are expected to make is to main a positive and active contribution to the work of the EIP on AHA Action groups and activities.


If you are interested in becoming a partner of the EIP on AHA, please complete the online form and submit your commitment. (https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/commitments-tracker/add)


The call will be open from 15th of February to 15th of April 2016.

However, commitments can be submitted anytime through the online tool. There are specific rounds and timeframes when the EIP on AHA will collect commitments, analyse them and organise the work with the organisations submitting those commitments. On the 15th of April 2016 the EIP on AHA will collect the commitments submitted until then and include them in the work planning process and the activities of the AG. From then on it is intended to review and collect any new commitments submitted on 6-month cycles until the end of 2018.

For further information please see consult the following link:

Action Groups-https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/actiongroup_en

FAQ's- https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/news/2016-call-commitments-faqs

Action Group A1- https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/actiongroup/index/a1_en

Action Group A2- https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/actiongroup/index/a2_en

Action Group A3- https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/actiongroup/index/a3_en

Action Group B3- https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/actiongroup/index/b3_en

Action Group C2- https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/actiongroup/index/c2_en

Action Group D4- https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/actiongroup/index/d4_en


In case of interest, please contact Leonor Norton (lnorton@fsjd.org, recerca@fsjd.org)