Programme Erasmus+

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
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Erasmus+ is the EU framework programme for education, training, youth and sport. The programme aims to boost skills and employability, as well as modernising education, training and youth work. Erasmus+ is designed to support programme countries' efforts to efficiently use the potential of Europe's talent and social assets in a lifelong learning perspective, linking support to

formal, non-formal and informal learning throughout the education, training and youth fields. The Programme promotes also the creation of European networks, providing opportunities for cooperation among stakeholders in different areas relating to sport and physical activity. The Programme supports actions, cooperation and tools consistent with the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy and its flagship initiatives, such as Youth on the Move and the Agenda for new skills and jobs. This investment in knowledge, skills and competences benefits individuals, institutions, organisations and society as a whole by contributing to growth and ensuring equity, prosperity and social inclusion in Europe and beyond.

Objectives of the call

The call supports transnational partnerships among education, training and youth organisations to foster cooperation and bridge the worlds of education and work in order to tackle the skills gaps Europe is currently facing.

The call aims also at promoting equity and inclusion by facilitating the access to participants with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities whenever disadvantage limits or prevents participation in transnational activities for reasons such as: a) disability; b) economic obstacles: people with a low standard of living, low income, dependence on social welfare system or homeless; c) health problems: people with chronic health problems, severe illnesses or psychiatric conditions; d) social obstacles: people facing discrimination because of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, etc.; people with limited social skills or anti-social or risky behaviours; people in a precarious situation; (ex-)offenders, (ex-)drug or alcohol abusers.

Structure of the call

The call for proposals covers the following actions:

- Key action 1: Learning mobility of individuals.

Projects will fund periods of mobility both within the EU and beyond, including: study and training, traineeships, teaching and professional development of staff and non-formal youth activities such as volunteering. The mobility concerns all the educational levels: school education, university, vocational education and training, adult education. Grant: lump-sums to cover travels and organizational support; real costs related to the support of people with special needs, such as persons with disabilities, are fully covered. Deadline: 2 February 2016.

- Key action 2: Cooperation for innovation and good practices.

Projects aiming to develop and implement innovative practices in education, training and youth and to promote employability, creativity and entrepreneurship. The actions in this strand are:

a) Strategic partnerships: cooperation projects between education or youth organisations and other relevant actors to develop and implement innovative practices leading to high quality teaching, training, learning, institutional modernisation and societal innovation. The Strategic Partnerships can also be focused on vocational education and training and adult education. Grant: 150.000 Euro per year (maximum: 450.000 Euro on three years). Deadline: 31 March 2016.

b) Knowledge alliances: sustainable university-business cooperation projects with emphasis on innovation, entrepreneurship, employability, knowledge exchange and multidisciplinary education. Knowledge Alliances are open to any discipline and sector (including medicine and health) and to cross-sectoral cooperation. The partners share common goals and work together towards mutually beneficial results and outcomes. Knowledge Alliances are meant to have a short and long-term impact on the wide range of stakeholders involved, at individual, organisational and systemic level.

Grant: between 700.000 and 1 million Euro. Deadline: 26 February 2016.

c) Sector skills alliances.

Sector Skills Alliances (SSA) are transnational projects either identifying or drawing on existing and emerging skills needs in a specific economic sector and/or translating these needs into vocational curricula to respond to those needs. A particular focus will be on digital skills as they are increasingly important on all job profiles across the entire labour market.

Also, the transition to a circular economy needs to be underpinned by changes to qualifications and national education and training curricula to meet emerging professional needs for green skills. Two lots are included in the call:

a) Lot 1: SSA for skills needs identification. Grant: 700.000 Euro; b) Lot 2: SSA for design and delivery of VET (design and deliver of training content at EU level). Grant: 1,4 million euro. Deadline: 26 February 2016.

Eligible applicants

The projects can be submitted by: social partners, public authorities, international organisations, non-profit making organisations, profit-making organisations, research centres, institutes and universities, training and educational organisations, youth and sport organisations.

Eligible countries

The programme is open to organisations from all over the world.

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