Second wave of EU4Health calls 2024 - Action grants for the organisation of conference and events

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Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Plazo interno:
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Action grants for the organisation of conference and events 

Expected Impact:

This action will involve public or private entities with expertise on organising events in public health domain topics.

Applicants must clearly describe the expected number and profile/function of target participants in the event, including their distribution by Member States or third countries associated to the EU4Health Programme, organisation and type of expertise.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution of EUR 150 000 would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. This does not prevent applicants to submit proposals requesting a different contribution.

The events should include high level speakers, and a representative number of participants from all relevant fields of the challenges to be discussed.

The action will support communication activities addressed to the general public and/or to specific groups of people or professionals, in order to promote the European Health Union and its different initiatives.

Conferences and/or events must have a Union-wide dimension. The events will not focus on a specific condition or disease however, they will focus on current cross-cutting Union policy issues.


The action will support the EU4Health Programme's general objective of improving and fostering health in the Union (Article 3, points (a) to (d), of Regulation (EU) 2021/522) through the specific objectives defined in Article 4, points (a) to (j), of Regulation (EU) 2021/522.

The objective of this action is to support the organisation of not-for-profit, Union-wide highlevel science-policy-society events that bring together all interested parties such as citizens, patients, practitioners, scientists, policy makers from local, regional, and Union level. The events will cover important health topics that are related to the Union's health priorities, and thereby contribute to the development and implementation of the European Health Union.

These conferences are an opportunity for discussion on how to work better together at Union level on one or more health-related topics and will involve Member States, third countries associated to the EU4Health Programme and relevant stakeholders to exchange information and good practices on relevant topics in the field of public health.

Grants may be awarded to support the organisation of conferences and events that correspond to the general or specific objectives and the priorities of the EU4Health Programme and which have a Union-wide dimension.


The proposal should cover one or more strands of the annual work programme and have clearly defined specific objectives. The thematic areas and sub-areas to be covered may include one or more of the below mentioned topics:

  1. health care systems and workforce including in relation to demographic changes;
  2. One health approach;
  3. pharmaceuticals;
  4. digital transition across health challenges;

Priority will be given to proposals covering several types of the above topics in several Member States, and beyond the EU where necessary.

The proposals should include at least one of following activities:

a) effective mobilisation of a broad audience with participation of policy makers (EU, national, regional and where necessary global levels), academia, industry, civil society including patients' organisations and other relevant representative);

b) provide a platform for a sounding board to explain Eu health initiatives and health societal challenges;

c) sustainable outreach activities beyond the event with multiplier effect including on social media; d) facilitate high-level policy dialogues attracting relevant health actors from different relevant sectors;

e) the use of innovative approaches in running the event are a plus.

Priority will be given to proposals covering several of the above activities.


Applicants must be legally established organisations, public authorities or public sector bodies (in particular, research and health institutions, universities and higher education establishments) in EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories linked to it (OCTs).

Applications will also be accepted from EEA countries and countries associated to the EU4Health Programme (third countries, candidate countries and potential candidate countries, neighbourhood countries) or countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature.


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