Research stay grant for interdisciplinary training in neuroscience and releated areas

Convocatoria "cerrada"
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Entidad convocante:
Centre for Neuroscience and Ethics (CINET)
Recursos Humans
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The Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno Foundation, through its International Centre for Neuroscience and Ethics (CINET), announces this call for a grant for a research stay at a public or private international institution (or, in the case of applicants who are nationals of other Member States of the European Union, a Spanish institution) of maximum academic prestige. It is aimed at researchers with a PhD who want to enhance their interdisciplinary training in neuroscience and other fields of study (e.g., human biology, bioethics, psycholo- gy, philosophy, physics or history). Theoretical or empirical projects that propose a true dialogue between two or more of these disciplines will be considered, with the aim of improving the understanding of the brain, overcoming monodisciplinary paradigms, propo- sing original answers to the mind-brain problem, discussing and anticipating the main ethi- cal challenges of neuroscience, and dealing with specific issues generally present in inter- disciplinary forums, such as consciousness, subjectivity and free will.


The grant will be awarded to natural persons who have obtained a doctorate, regardless of the date it was obtained. Interdisciplinary profiles will be especially valued, although applicants who, having trained only in one discipline (for example, neuroscience or philoso- phy), want to carry out a research stay to deepen their understanding of a complementary field of knowledge (philosophy or neuroscience, in this case).

The call is open to people of any age who are nationals a Member State of the European Union and who propose to join a Spanish institution (in the case of non-Spanish European applicants) or an institution of another country in the world (in the case of Spanish appli- cants).

The applicant must have been admitted, or must have a firm offer to be admitted, to a university or research centre for the requested period.


The grant has a duration of twelve (12) months.

The grant amount includes:

A gross annual allowance of €40,000, payable monthly.

Travel expenses of a maximum of €1,200.

Illness and accident insurance paid by the Foundation (not extendable to any family mem- bers who may accompany the beneficiary during their stay abroad).

Annual family support of €1,200 for each minor dependent child.

Additional financial aid of €4,000, which the grant holder may use to cover installation, attendance and registration expenses at congresses during the period of receiving the grant, or open-access publishing expenses (in this case, for up to 6 months after the end of the grant period).


Receipt of this grant is incompatible with the receipt of other grants or public or private financial aid for the same purpose and period.

This scholarship is also incompatible with contractual or statutory commitments that prevent exclusive dedication to research.



The applicant must submit the following documentation in a single PDF, in Spanish or English:

Application form.

Short curriculum (maximum 4 pages), with special emphasis on interdisciplinary training or interest in it.

Complete academic record. Photocopy of doctoral degree.

Summary of the applicant's research career and interests (maximum 500 words). · Summary of the research project (maximum 500 words).

Project report (maximum 5 pages), specifying the context, objectives, methodology, work plan and calendar, and the contribution the stay makes to the applicant's interdisciplinary training and to the research topic.

Any one of the following three documents from the receiving institution: 1) a letter of recommendation from the supervising researcher at the receiving institution; 2) a letter of admission (or «invitation») from the supervising researcher or from their department; 3) an admission commitment (or «invitation») from the receiving university or research centre for the requested period.

In case of interest, contact with frecerca.convocatories(ELIMINAR) before June 23rd.