2022/2023 Global COVID-19 ASPIRE

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Me interesa
Entidad convocante:
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:

Funding for grants on COVID-19 societal impact, outcomes or impact of treatment


Societal impact of COVID-19 (Understand the psychological impact, impact on working behaviors, social determinants of health, child development, education, access to healthcare, healthcare resource utilization, direct and indirect costs and impact on QoL)

Key populations at high-risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes (Further understand impact of COVID-19 in high-risk population groups, especially in immunocompromised and elderly patients and in patients with multiple co-morbidities).

Long term outcomes of COVID-19 (Studies assessing long-term or secondary consequences of the disease, including impact of reinfection and effects of different variants (includes but not exclusive to Long COVID/ post-acute sequelae of SARS CoV-2 infection (PASC)))

Treatment of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 in vaccinated and or seropositive patients with nirmatrelvir/ritonavir

Impact of treatment for mild-to-moderate COVID-19 with nirmatrelvir/ritonavir on viral load, infectivity and/or transmission and/or viral rebound and/or symptom resolution

Regarding use of nirmatrelvir/ritonavir and showing outcomes: prescription behaviors (reason for non-prescription), patient refusal reasons, access and adherence to treatment

Applicants are encouraged to collaborate across departments where appropriate (e.g. education, social services, health etc) and there will be interest in seeing multi-country applications to allow for comparisons between countries on certain areas of interest. Requests for drug will be accepted. Commercial supply will be available only if approved in your country, not placebo matched drug.


For the first phase it will only be necessary to present a Letter of Intent with the next points:

Goals and Objectives:

  • Provide the main goal of the study and the study population (if applicable). Provide a detailed definition that is directly linked to the primary objective

Assessment of Need for the Project:

  • This should reflect your study rationale. Provide a brief description of the medical/scientific question and the rationale of how this trial or study addresses the question

Target Audience: 

  • Describe the primary audience(s) targeted for this project. For Investigator Sponsored Clinical Trials, please specify the age, gender and other demographic information for trial population
  • Also indicate whom you believe will directly benefit from the project outcomes. Describe the overall population size as well as the size of your sample population

Project Design and Methods

  • Describe concisely the research design and methods for achieving the stated goals. For a clinical interventional study, include inclusion/exclusion criteria, treatment plan and statistical plan


  • Explain what measures you have taken to assure that this project idea is original and does not duplicate other projects. Describe how this project builds upon existing work, pilot projects, or ongoing projects developed either by your institution or other institutions related to this project

Evaluation and Outcomes

  • Specify type and frequency of safety, efficacy, and/or outcome measures. Also indicate the method(s) used to assess measures
  • Provide a publication plan describing intended submission of abstracts to (a) congress(es) or intended submission of (a) publication(s) to peerreviewed journals.

Anticipated Project Timeline

  • Provide an anticipated timeline for your project including project start/end dates
    • An ISR grant request cannot be submitted for a study that has already commenced and was not originally supported by Pfizer.

Additional Information

  • If there is any additional information you feel Pfizer should be aware of concerning the importance of this project, please summarize here
  • Early-career applicants: Letter(s) of support from mentor(s) and collaborators describing how the award will advance the applicant's career.

Organization Detail

  • This information is used to assess the capability of the organizational resources available to perform the effort proposed. Identify the facilities to be used [laboratory, animal, clinical and "other"]. If appropriate, indicate their capacities, pertinent capabilities, relative proximity, and extent of availability to the project

Budget Detail

  • A total amount requested is the only information needed for the LOI stage. Full Budget is not required. This amount can be adjusted at the Full Proposal stage as applicable.
  • The budget amount requested must be in U.S. dollars (USD).
  • While estimating your budget please keep the following items in mind:
    • General organizational running costs such as insurances, heating, lighting, rent, building maintenance may be included. Pfizer does not provide funding for capital purchases (infrastructure expenses such as equipment, purchases of software or software licenses, technology or bricks and mortar). Equipment hire/leasing is acceptable and may be included in project budget.
    • The inclusion of these costs cannot cause the amount requested to exceed the budget limit set forth in the RFP.
    • It should be noted that grants awarded through GMG cannot be used to purchase Pfizer therapeutic agents (prescription or nonprescription).
  • Pfizer maintains a company-wide, maximum allowed overhead rate of 28% for independent studies and projects

En caso de interés, contacatr con el Dpt. de Gestión y Promoción a la Investigación antes del 10 de novimebre de 2022.