EIC Pathfinder Challenge: Towards the Healthcare Continuum - Technologies to Support A Radical Shift from Episodic to Continuous Healthcare

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Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
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EIC Pathfinder Challenges are designed to build on new, cutting-edge directions in science and technology to disrupt a field and a market or create new opportunities by realising innovative technological solutions grounded in high-risk/high-gain research and development. The EIC is seeking new technological solutions at early stage of development that are new and disrupt standard practice.

The objective of this EIC Pathfinder Challenge is to develop systems and technologies starting at very low TRL for unobtrusive monitoring of human health with new continuous and personal imaging and sensing modalities, implementing continuous assessment, processing and analysis of the data to identify early signs of disease. This call can support innovative technologies ranging from the sensor level up to the system level for effective integration of multimodal data.

Proposals can aim at monitoring a family of conditions or a wider mix of health factors, using the optimal combination of single-point or historic multi-point sensor data and, if appropriate, clinical records, genomic data, etc to realise maximal performance. Involvement of relevant stakeholders (eg, clinical experts and patient organisations) from an early stage is recommended. The gender dimension in research content should be considered, where relevant as well as the involvement of relevant stakeholders (eg clinical practitioners, patient organisations, etc) from an early stage.

Proposals submitted to this EIC Pathfinder Challenge should tackle the following specific objectives:

  • Develop a novel technology (device, instrument or full system) for unobtrusive proactive healthcare. The targeted technology should offer life-long health status monitoring and elements of predictive medicine with methodologies grounded in existing scientific evidence.
  • The end objective must be a Proof-of-Concept and preliminary data suggestive of adequate safety and performance, while paying attention to minimising false positives that could hamper its real-world use.
  • The targeted technology should make the case for a clinically acceptable solution amenable to successful evaluation under common Health Technology Assessment (HTA) methodologies.
  • The path to future integration in the European healthcare workflow, specifically in relation to the inter-operability with existing infrastructures, as well as take up and compliance by appropriate patient populations, should be plausible.

The expected impact should be the establishment of the basis for the transformation of the prevailing episodic, symptom-triggered, healthcare system into continuous healthcare, in which individuals are accompanied continuously and unobtrusively by health monitoring technology and practitioners, proactively offering diagnosis and treatment.

Grants of up to EUR 4 million (challenge driven) (or more if properly justified) to achieve the proof of principle and validate the scientific basis of breakthrough technology (TRL 1-4)


Proposals for this Challenge can be submitted by single applicants or by consortia, as dictated by the activities to be performed.


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