Worldwide Cancer Research Grants Call 2022

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:


Their goal is to support research that seeks to answer the difficult questions in cancer biology

They are looking for innovative research that takes intellectual risks. That means helping researchers turn their bold idea into reality. AndCasita456

if there's a risk of failure, they are willing to take it, if the rewards for success are worth it. They want to see ideas which have the potential to start new lines of research and to tell us something new about cancer and how it could be prevented, diagnosed or treated.

WWCR award grants to support fundamental or translational research into the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of cancer. They do not prioritise any field of research; they welcome research projects with a strong scientific hypothesis that draws on epidemiological, behavioural and clinical data to provide a starting point for a new avenue of research. Multidisciplinary or discipline-hopping projects are encouraged where this helps stimulate innovation.

Basic studies into fundamental cellular processes, mechanisms and molecules are within remit if it is clear that the aim of the research is to improve the understanding of cancer biology.


Worldwide Cancer Research offers grants for 1-3 year research projects. Grants cover the direct costs of the project including research consumables, the salaries of research staff working directly on the project, travel to conferences or to visit collaborators, and any essential services or small pieces of specialist or unusual equipment. 

The host institution must cover all indirect and overhead costs.


The maximum budget permitted is £250,000, but it should be noted that most of our 3- year grants have a budget of less than £200,000.


You are advised to allow plenty of time to submit your grant application. It must be approved by your Head of Department and Authorising Officer before the grant deadline.

Once registered on the WWCR grant system you can begin preparing your application. 

Worldwide Cancer Research will only accept the first 500 applications submitted in the grant round.



  • The project grants are awarded to a single researcher, known as the Principal lnvestigator (PI) or Grantholder.
  • The PI is usually a PhD-qualified tenured or tenure-track research group leader. Other suitably qualified persons, e.g. medical doctors, with appropriate research experience may also apply as the PI.
  • Post-doctoral researchers with more than three years postdoctoral research experience at the time of application are also eligible to apply for a grant. Post-doctoral applicants who are not yet independent principal investigators must name their group head as co-applicant on the grant.
  • Principal investigators who have established their first research group within the past 3 years are advised to add their head of department as a co-applicant. As a co-applicant, group heads or head of departments must have a mínimum contribution of 5%, which could be as a mentor.

For the March 2022 round, applications must be submitted by 17:00hrs (British Local Time) on Friday 1 April 2022.

Successful applications submitted to the March 2022 grant round will be offered a grant starting from 1 January 2023

For more information, you can find the Funding criteria and the Application handbook here.

In case of interest, please contact us at