Premio Fundación Bial en Medicina Clínica

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:


The Prémio BIAL de Medicina Clínica 2018 seeks to recognize an intellectual, original work on any freely chosen medical topic on clinical practice.

Only work with results of high quality and relevance will be considered.

Works published in the form of journal articles, books or theses are not eligible. At least one of the authors must be a native physician of a Portuguese speaking country.


100.000 €, and up to two Honourable Mentions of 10.000 €


How to apply

Entries should be written in either Portuguese or English and must be submitted by 31 August 2022. The application form (available at should be completed, signed by the author or authors of the entered work, and sent as a PDF file to; it must provide the following:

  • The first sheet must include the work's topic and its title.
  •  Full identification details of each author(s) of the entered work, including number of any civil identification and number of tax identification or any equivalent document, postal address, telephone contacts and email address, educational qualifications and institutional affiliation. The person appointed to present the work must be specified, who may be the author or one of the authors of the entered work.
  • A summary of no more than 7,000 characters, including spaces. It must clearly convey the content of the entered work to provide a basis on which a judgment on its admission for the award can be made.

The following documents, as editable PDF files, should be attached:

  • Curriculum Vitae of the author(s);
  • The original entered work which must not be more than 200 pages long; Arial font, size 12pt, 1.5 line spacing. It may include drawings, photos or illustrations of any type

In case of interest, please contact with FSJD Research's Department not later than August 24th.