VML Lysosomal Storage Disorders Research Projects

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
Association Vaincre les Maladies Lysosomales (VML - Beat Lysosomal Storage Diseases)
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:

Call objectives

The Association Vaincre les Maladies Lysosomales (VML - Beat Lysosomal Storage Diseases) is recognized as being of public utility and supports scientific and medical research. The Association's main aims are to:

  • Advance research and improve access to care.
  • Provide certified and appropriate scientific and medical information.
  • Provide support and help families with any adaptations with regards to illness and disability.

VML runs an annual call for proposals to improve understanding of pathologies, identify avenues of therapy and facilitate access to clinical trial phases.

The objective of the 2021 Call for Projects is to support research in the following fields:

  • Gene and cellular therapies for lysosomal diseases.
  • Other therapeutic approaches for lysosomal diseases.
  • Understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of lysosomal diseases.
  • Improvement of care and quality of life for patients on a daily basis.


Three or four applications may be supported for amounts ranging between €10,000 and €35,000.

Funding is for a duration of one year.



Funding is available in the following categories:

  • Support for research teams (operating costs, M2 bonus but salaries are not eligible). Non-French teams may apply but collaborations with French teams are encouraged.
  • Fixed-term contracts for PhD students or postdoctoral researchers (clinicians or scientists, first or second postdoctoral year).

Only projects directly related to a hereditary lysosomal pathology are eligible. A particular attention will be given to emerging projects and/or projects focusing on lysosomal diseases that have had limited research to date.



Letters of Intent (LoI) for the 2021 call should be submitted by email by the deadline of 29 March 2021.

There is a two-stage procedure for the submission:

  • LoI: Letters of Intent for the 2021 call should be submitted by email by the deadline of 29 March 2021.
  • Full: A full application must then be submitted by preselected candidates by 17 May 2021.

In case of interest, please contact lnorton(ELIMINAR)@fsjd.org