ESMO Research Fellowship

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Society for Medical Oncology
Recursos Humans
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:
40.000 €

Research Fellowships provide opportunities and support needed to develop high-quality research projects in either translational or clinical research.

Focus on Translational:

Comprehensive bench-to-bedside training providing the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in translational cancer research.

European centres of excellence serve as host institutes providing the necessary support to develop specific high-quality translational research projects in oncology and helps fellows gain valuable international experience. Aim:

- Provide training in translational research in European centres with an international reputation in the field

- Improve career development through collaboration with European institutions of excellence

- Provide the necessary support to develop specific high-quality translational research projects in oncology

Focus Clinical:

Offering valuable training in clinical research in renowned European cancer centres and supports efforts to expand professional networks through collaboration with institutions of excellence. The fellowship provides the necessary support to develop clinical oncology research projects and the opportunity to further enhance professional skills and competencies in oncology. Aim:

- Provide training in clinical research in renowned European cancer centres

- Support efforts to expand professional networks through collaboration with institutions of excellence

- Provide the necessary support to develop clinical oncology research projects


Candidates must

Be an ESMO member age 40 or under at the time of application

Be an oncologist with at least one year experience in medical, radiation or surgical oncology and currently engaged in cancer research or clinical oncology practice

Be proficient in English


Application must include:

Completed application form (

Detailed clinical research project proposal including timelines

Motivation letter, including project goals and how the acquired techniques will be used in the home institute/country

Acceptance letter from the person responsible for the project at the host facility (mentor)

Letter of recommendation from the candidate's department head at home institute

In case of interest, contact with FSJD Research's Department, before 8th May.