FERRING COVID-19 INVESTIGATIONAL GRANTS in Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:

Ferring is interested in funding exploratory, basic, and clinical research grants to collect data and expand knowledge about the effects of SARS-CoV-2 on reproduction, pregnancy, and foetal/neonatal health.

Main Characteristics

The Ferring COVID-19 Investigational Grants in Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health (RMMH) are designed to provide funding to gather data related to IVF programmes during the COVID-19 pandemic including but not limited to:

- Follow-up data on infected pregnant patients at different gestational stages, including spontaneous pregnancies.

- Data on the outcome of ongoing fertility care.

-Data on gametes/embryos, fresh or frozen, from patients exposed to SARS-CoV-2.

- Other information related to fertility outcomes.


Up to 25.000 €


Maximum 12 months


Application Process

- Applicants are required to submit a full proposal application (see below).

- Applicants will receive a confirmation email notification after submitting a completed application.

- Requests for clarification, additional information or modification will be sent to the applicant via email.

- Ferring will give careful consideration to all eligible requests based on relevance to our guidelines, merit, and available resources.

- Previous funding is not an indicator of future support.

- Applicants will be notified via email within 14 days of submission regarding the outcome of their application.

- Successful applicants will receive a confirmation of the grant amount.

- Ferring will expect a report on the findings and / or a submission of the research findings to a reputable scientific journal. Publications must mention the financial support provided by Ferring to the project.


- Investigator name, title and affiliation.

- Title (max. 20 words): The title should contain sufficient information to enable the reviewer to clearly recognize the COVID-19 related effect on reproductive medicine and maternal health.

- Brief overview of project (max. 200 words): In this section please provide the background supporting the scientific hypothesis.

- Scientific rationale and aims of the project (max. 500 words): In this section please provide the scientific rationale for your hypothesis and 2-3 specific aims proposed to test the hypothesis.

- The grant covers a workplan that is expected to be completed within 12 months.

- Amount of funding requested.

- Upload a current résumé.

- Information provided in the application must be non-confidential in nature.

In case of interest, please contact with FSJD Research's Department.