Open Competition Grants on Dermatology

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
Leo Foundation
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:
Between two (2) and four (4) million DKK


LEO Foundation 'Open competition grants' are given to support the best dermatology research projects worldwide. Thus, we welcome applications from research projects that:

- Improve the understanding of the underlying medicinal, biological, chemical, or pharmacological mechanisms of dermatological diseases and their symptoms

- Address clinical issues among people who are at risk of developing, or have developed, a skin disease, including how it impacts their quality of life and the societal costs involved.

Application procedure

- Download the Application Guide from the “Apply for a grant” section above to the right to get detailed instructions on how to apply. Then click the link “Apply here” to access the online application system. If this is the first time you are using the system you will need to create a new user account

- Once you have completed all mandatory user fields you will be eligible to apply for any open call(s)

- Read the guide thoroughly and complete your application accordingly, using English language, ensuring that all mandatory fields are filled in, and that you comply with our guidelines

- Once your application is submitted you will receive initial confirmation that we have received it. You may subsequently be requested to submit revisions


One to three years


The main applicant should hold at least a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent academic qualifications)


In case of interest, please contact with FSJD Research Department.

Application deadline

There are three deadlines for 2020:

- 6 March

- 22 June

- 4 September

Submission period opens 4 weeks prior to each deadline