Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS)

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
National Science Foundation
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:


To support collaborative activities that will advance the understanding of nervous system structure and function, mechanisms underlying nervous system disorders, and computational strategies used by the nervous system.

Two types of proposals will be considered in response to this call:

- Research Proposals describing collaborative research projects,

- Data Sharing Proposals to enable sharing of data and other resources.


Eligibility of PI and team members

Principal Investigators (PI) can only participate in one project proposal per call.

PI and all members of the research group must belong to the eligible institution or be affiliated to CIBER, CIBERNED or an IIS. Excluded personnel as Principal Investigator (PI):

Those undergoing a postgraduate training in Health Specialization (MIR, FIR, QIR, BIR, PIR)

Those undergoing research training (e.g. PhD students, or “Río Hortega” contracts)

Researchers contracted by a RETIC or a CONSOLIDER

Those undergoing postdoctoral training (e.g. “Sara Borrell“ or “Juan de la Cierva” contracts)


Up to 175.000 € per partner (overheads included)

Up to 250.000 € per coordinator (overheads included)


The modalities of participation of the Spanish applicants are presented in the annex to this solicitation available on the ISCIII website (

FSJD researchers are eligible only through the ISCIII

Please contact the Dpt. de Gestio de la Recerca to confirm eligibility matters before submitting an application.