EIT Food4Health Call 2019

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:


Food4Health, a collaboration between EIT Health and EIT Food established to help bring innovations for healthy eating to the market, is seeking Expressions of Interest from partners who want to participate in the following two projects:

  • Using indicators to influence consumer behaviour and prevent pre-disease through food and lifestyle-related interventions


  • Tackling muscle loss in cancer patients through nutrition solutions and lifestyle interventions

Via an Expressions of Interest application, partners can apply to perform one or more of the tasks in these projects for the work packages that will start in 2019.


Project definitions


PROJECT A. Using indicators to influence consumer behaviour and prevent pre-disease through food and lifestyle-related interventions


To help consumers make better choices for themselves by offering effective personalised food and lifestyle interventions based on simple testing and evaluation of relevant indicators for pre-metabolic syndrome.


- Methodology for measuring pre-metabolic syndrome in Europe

- Pre-disease prevention program for measuring pre-metabolic syndrome in the broader European community

- Strategy to engage the European population to adopt a healthier lifestyle by preventing and tackling pre-metabolic syndrom

- Implementation of the pre-disease prevention program for measuring and monitoring health, as a strategy towards a healthy lifestyle in a real setting

Duration 2019: 4 months (Overall project: 28 months)

Budget for the entire WP: €400 000 for 2019


PROJECT B. Tackling muscle loss in cancer patients through nutrition solutions and lifestyle interventions


To improve the prognosis and survival rate of cancer patients by addressing the need for knowledge, service and validated nutrition and lifestyle solutions for muscle mass preservation.


- Tool to dynamically measure muscle mass

- Tailormade medical nutritional solution

- Tailormade activity/exercise program

- Digital tools/services to enable and empower patients and HCPs

Duration2019: 4 months (Overall project: 28 months)

Budget for the entire WP: €350 000 for 2019


The detail of the workpackages and activities to be performed for each Project is described in the  document attached.


Eligible criteria

The call for Expressions of Interest is only open to the Partners of EIT Health and EIT Food. Partners must apply as individual organisations; applications from teams/consortia will not be accepted. HSJD, PSSJD and FSJD are eligible to participate.



Food4Health projects is that all partners are expected to contribute 25% co-funding to their budget.

EIT Funding can be used to cover personnel, travel and subsistence, other goods and services, and indirect costs. No budget is needed for the application phase, but please keep the indicative budgets and EIT funding rules in mind when preparing your application.


Application Process

The application process will be via a call for Expressions of Interest to perform one or more tasks in the work packages that start in 2019.

Only one application per partner organisation per task will be accepted.

All Expressions of Interest must be submitted using the application form. The application language is English.

The application form must be submitted as a pdf to hayley.every@eithealth.eu. The deadline for the applications is 26 June 2019 at 17:00 CEST.


More information

Please consult attached documentation