Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme: Prevent and combat all forms of violence against children, young people and women

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:

Objective of the call

The aim of the call is to fund national or transnational projects in the field of prevention and fight ofviolence against children, young people and women.



Project proposals must address one of the following two priorities:

a) Preventing and combating gender-based violence. Indicative budget: 7 million euro.

- Prevention, protection and/or support of victims of domestic violence. The focus is ongender-based violence in the domestic sphere, including harmful practices, in line with the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violenceagainst women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention), particularly Chapters III and IV related to prevention, support and protection measures. Such focus will contribute toimplement obligations under EU law concerning victims' rights.

- Protection and support for victims of gender-based violence amongst particularly vulnerable groups. The focus is on the protection and support for adult victims of gender based violence, including sexual violence, rape, from particularly vulnerable groupsincluding but not limited to young women, people with a migrant background, asylumseekers,refugees, ethnic minorities (including Roma people), women with disabilities,women living and/or working on the street. Actions should focus on facilitating access toprotection and support services for these victims addressing their specific needs (whetherprovided by law enforcement, the justice system, victim support services or social andhealth services) and on multi-disciplinary cooperation and capacity building for relevantprofessionals in contact with these groups.

- Prevention of and responses to sexual harassment. The focus is on the prevention of andresponses to sexual harassment, including cyber-harassment. Actions may address bothphysical or psychological offline and online harassment. Actions should focus ondeveloping tools for reporting incidents: awareness raising amongst groups at risk andvictims in order to educate about risks and rights, empower victims to report incidents andclaim their rights; developing guidelines and manuals for specialised support services (e.g.in the work place, schools, universities, online); and capacity-building for relevant professionals.


b) Preventing and combating violence against children. Indicative budget: 4,7 million euro.

- Capacity-building for trainee and in-service medical practitioners, social servicepractitioners, police and the education sector. The aim is to systematize robust prevention,detection, identification and responses to adverse childhood experiences, with a clear focuson promoting positive and caring relationships to foster resilience.

- Capacity-building for specialist forensic interviewers for child victims of violence. The aimis to systematize forensic interviewing specialists, preventing further trauma to childvictims, ensuring a pathway to therapy and improving prosecution rates.

- Capacity-building for trainee and in-service specialist practitioners providing evidencebasedand trauma-informed therapeutic services and treatment to child victims of violence.The aim is to systematize the adequate national coverage of therapeutic services for childvictims, taking account of individual children as well as groups of children and children as agroup (e.g. in cases of mass victimisation and/or terrorism). The proposals submitted forfunding need to seek to systematise the adequate national coverage of therapeutic servicesfor child victims in a given territory.


Eligible activities

Activities shall include:

- awareness-raising and empowerment activities;

- capacity-building and training for professionals;

- design and implementation of protocols, development of working methods and tools;

- exchange of good practices, mutual learning;

Practical projects developing and implementing concrete measures are preferred. While research isnot excluded, if some research activities are to be part of the project, they shall be strictly linked tothe project as a whole and be designed so as to not duplicate existing research.


Eligible applicants

Applicants and partners must be legally constituted non-profit public or private organisations, orinternational organisations. Organisations which are profit-oriented must submit applications inpartnership with public entities or private non-profit organisations.


Partnership criteria

Projects can be either national or transnational and must involve at least two organisations. It isstrongly encouraged to involve a public authority, including regional and local authorities, to beactively involved in the projects.

For projects related to gender-based violence, these public authorities can be national, regional orlocal Ministries/agencies/equality bodies responsible for gender equality and/or provision ofservices to victims of violence or perpetrators; police, judicial, health or education authorities etc.,as relevant.

For projects related to children, these public authorities can be Ministries and/or agenciesresponsible for children (e.g. child protection agencies and services, national guardianshipinstitutions, Ministries for children, child protection, education, health, social affairs, justice,children's ombudspersons and/or national human rights institutes for children, responsible regionalauthorities, law enforcement authorities etc.).



The grant cannot be lower than 75.000 euro and cannot cover more than 80% of the eligible project costs.


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