H2020-Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies- MIGRATION

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:

Aim of the call

The aim of the call is to produce evidence-based recommendations for the global and European governance of migration of third country nationals as well as innovative (including ICT) solutions for the successful integration of migrants into European host societies.


Main Characteristics

The call is divided in four different topics:

  • DT-MIGRATION-06-2018-2019: Addressing the challenge of migrant integration through ICT-enabled solutions.
    • Expected impact: New or enhanced ICT solutions and tools will facilitate the efforts of public administrations at EU, national and local levels to manage the integration of migrants. They will allow for developing and deploying the necessary processes and services in the view of the efficient identification and inclusion of migrants. They will also facilitate communication with migrants and their access to services such as community language teaching, education, training, employment, welfare and healthcare systems within the host communities.
    • Budget: Each proposal might request between 3-4 million Euros. It is expected to select between 2-3 proposals for funding.


  • MIGRATION-01-2019: Understanding migration mobility patterns: elaborating mid and long-term migration scenarios
    • Expected impact: The action will enhance the knowledge base on migration-related flows, drivers, attitudes and behaviours in qualitative and quantitative terms. Scenarios and projections will inform evidence-based governance and regulatory frameworks at international and EU levels as well as relevant sector policies in EU Member States, e.g. social, health, education and labour market related policies and the impact on welfare policies and public social security systems. The action will also improve statistical data and methods in cooperation with national statistical institutes, relevant organisations and Eurostat.
    • Budget: Each proposal might request between 3 million Euros. It is expected to select 3 proposals for funding.


  • MIGRATION-03-2019: Social and economic effects of migration in Europe and integration policies
    • Expected impact: The action will improve the knowledge base on the socio-economic effects of migration. It will provide solutions and recommendations for strengthening the effectiveness of policies targeting the integration of migrants. It will also contribute to building comprehensive strategies for integration across EU Member states, conducive to socially inclusive economic growth.
    • Budget: Each proposal might request between 3 million Euros. It is expected to select 3 proposals for funding

  • MIGRATION-07-2019: International protection of refugees in a comparative perspective
    • Expected impact: The action will significantly advance the knowledge base on global migration and asylum governance by evaluating the process, discourses and outcomes of the planned compact on refugees. The action will assist European policymakers with identifying suitable strategies for engagement in the process leading to the implementation of the global refugee compact. They will also inform the EU's reform process of its common asylum system.
    • Budget: Each proposal might request between 3 million Euros. It is expected to select 3 proposals for funding.



The proposals are presented by a consortium composed of minimum 3 organisations from 3 different EU Member States.



14th March 2019


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