EIT-Health_2018_Second call for proposals for Innovation by Ideas projects

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:


Innovation by Ideas projects are collaborative projects and are designed to address societal challenges within the thematic scope of EIT Health. The projects are solution driven, i.e. a potential solution has been identified that either capitalises on an opportunity or addresses a specific problem presented by demographic ageing of the population. These are considered bottom-up proposals, and the projects can be led by Core or Associate Partners (and their Linked Third Parties) of any category.

We are looking to support new projects that address at least one of the four themes outlined below:
-Prevention and management of chronic disease
-Empowering citizens to manage their health
- Improving healthcare systems- Leveraging new technology and data

Proposals need to demonstrate a clear innovation and should present a viable plan to reach the market or, in the case of organisational innovations, present a viable deployment strategy.

The EIT Health-financed part of the project should result in an innovation that has been technically validated and tested in a relevant environment, bringing the project to a point where it can attract early adopters or additional external financing. Market launch/deployment/regulatory approval for the innovation should be targeted for about two years following the completion of the project, and a clear path to this point should be presented.

Innovation by Ideas:
- Address at least one of the three societal challenges of EIT Health.
- Include at least one academic and one non-academic Core or Associate Partner, i.e. one Partner of the type Education or Research and one of any other type.
- The financial contribution for 2019 may not exceed €250 000*.
- The financial contribution for 2020 may not exceed €500 000**.
- All EIT financed project activities must be complete by 31 December 2020.

* excluding WP0 activities. ** Please note that financial contributions beyond 2019 will be subject to a successful review of the project, and are thus deemed ¿indicative¿ at this stage.