Rights, Equality and Citizenship call – Prevent and combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:

Objective of the call

The call is aimed at supporting projects contributing to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance. Proposals may explore the use of all available tools and forms of cooperation between national authorities, non-governmental organisations, communities and international organisations, and are encouraged to be developed on the basis of a holistic approach.



Project proposals can be submitted in one of the following three priorities:

1. Improving responses to hate crime and hate speech, including but not limited to means of criminal law;

2. Supporting victims of hate crime and hate speech;

3. Preventing hatred by fostering tolerance and social cohesion. Projects may address the specificities of particular forms of intolerance, such as Antisemitism, antiMuslim hatred, homophobia and transphobia, antigypsyism, xenophobia and anti-migrant hatred, Afrophobia, hate crimes against persons with disabilities.


Eligible activities

This call will fund the following activities:

- Development of tools and practices to improve responses to hate crime and hate speech, in particular with a view to:

 build capacity of public authorities, civil society and other relevant actors to respond to hate crime and hate speech and interact with victims, in particular through training activities, taking into account the key guiding principles on hate crime training developed by the EU High Level Group on combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance;

 ensure support and protection for victims of hate crime and hate speech, including through the development and strengthening of victim support services, initiatives aimed at addressing the issue of underreporting and initiatives aimed at building trust between communities and public authorities, taking into account the key guiding principles on hate crime victims' access to justice, support and protection developed by the EU High Level Group on combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance;

 achieve strengthened cooperation between key actors, including through the development and implementation of cooperation protocols and practices or the setting up of coordination bodies involving different national and/or local authorities, civil society organisations, targeted communities;

- Creating better understanding between communities, including through interreligious and intercultural activities and projects focusing on coalition building;

- Awareness raising campaigns and initiatives addressed to the general public or to targeted groups and communities, in particular multipliers and community leaders, on the impact of and responses to racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance, and/or to empower vulnerable groups and communities against manifestations of racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance.


Eligible applicants

Applicants and partners must be legally constituted non-profit public or private organisations, duly established in one of the countries participating in the programme or international organisations. Organisations which are profit-oriented must submit applications in partnership with public entities or private non-profit organisations.


Partnership criteria

Projects can be either national or transnational and must involve at least two organisations.



The grant cannot be lower than 75.000 euro and cannot cover more than 80% of overall eligible project costs.


Projects duration

Maximum 24 months


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