2013 Challenge Award for Metastatic Prostate Cancer

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
Prostate Cancer Foundation
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:


1. Support large-scale research projects concerning metastatic prostate cancer over a duration of two years

2. Provide up to a total of $1 milion per team

3. cover direct research costs only

4. Focus on funding treatment sciences: investigations of new ideas in many or laboratory support of a high-impact clinical investigation with a high probability of near-term patient benefit.

Topic areas

1. First-in-field research on new targets in metastatic prostate cancer systemis treatment

2. Mechanims on resistance to current drugs targeting the androgen receptor and androgen axis, immune system and chemotheray

3. Tumour microenvironment signalling related to cancer progression including the immune component

4. New treatments for metastatic prostate cancer including those targetoing the currently "undruggable"


$ 75000 er year for a period of 3 years