AAL 2018 Smart solutions for ageing well

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:

Objectiu de la convocatòria

The aim of the AAL Programme is to provide innovative Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) based solutions including products, systems or services to enhance older adults' quality of life and to strengthen the industrial base in Europe. The main goal is to improve the autonomy, participation in social life, skills, and employability of older adults.

The aim of this international call for proposals is to support innovative, transnational and multi-disciplinary collaborative projects developing ICT-based solutions by targeting any application area(s) within the AAL domain; the call text provides with further information on the relevant AAL taxonomy and the specified target markets. For the first time, the call allows for more flexibility regarding the scope, size and duration of the submitted projects by including a new type of instrument, namely the "small collaborative project".


The AAL Call 2018 has the following key features which differ in terms of scope and flexibility from previous AAL calls.

  • The AAL Call 2018 is open to developing ICT-based solutions targeting any application area(s) within the AAL domain. The solutions need to be embedded into the strategies of the participating end-user organisations, service providers and business partners. The wishes and aspirations of older adults in combination with the demands from the other stakeholders involved – e.g. providers and payers - will have a critical role in shaping useful and attractive AAL solutions with a high market potential.
  • The AAL Call 2018 allows for more flexibility regarding the scope, size and duration of the proposed projects.



    Composition of the consortium:

  • Submission of a complete proposal through the AAL electronic submission system before the deadline, as specified in the Guide for Applicants.
  • English as the language of the proposal.
  • At least 3 independent eligible organizations (legal entities), from at least 3 different AAL Partner States participating in the Call for Proposals
  • Consortium must include at least one eligible for-profit business partner
  • Consortium must include at least one eligible for-profit SME partner which can be the business partner
  • Consortium must include at least one eligible end-user organization
  • Size of the consortium: 3 – 10 partners
  • Duration of the project: Small collaborative projects: Max 6 months/Collaborative projects: 18-36 months 
    This is a joint call, but the funding is implemented at national level. Organisations should check with their respective Research Grants Office that they comply with national eligibility criteria. A detailed description of national eligibility criteria can be found in the Annex of the Guide for Applicants.


    SNS/IIS partners funded by ISCIII:
    • Up to 100.000 € per partner (overheads included)
    • Up to 150.000 € per coordinator (overheads included)



    Collaborative projects: 18-36 months
    Small collaborative projects: Max 6 months
    (ISCIII will only fund 3-years projects)


    Convocatòria (URL)