CRAASH BARCELONA - Transforming Technologies into health solutions

Convocatoria "cerrada"
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Projectes de recerca
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CRAASH Barcelona is a 12-week program that helps European research teams launch successful device, diagnostic and e/digital health innovations to improve health and patient care from research centers, research institutes or universities from the BioRegion of Catalonia and other European ecosystems.

Teams move research to market through mentoring from experts at CIMIT (Boston), the most experienced health accelerator in the world.

CRAASH Barcelona is an EIT Health bootcamp and is organized by Biocat in collaboration wih both CIMIT and EIT Health.

The program consists of three phases:

Phase I - Training Cours: Teams validate their problem-solution and solution-market fit, specifically for the healthtech market. The program gets teams out of their comfort zone to conduct discovery interviews with key stakeholders to understand their needs, test hypotheses, and develop and validate value propositions and business models.

Each team is assigned an executive from the CIMIT Accelerator Team, made up of successful healthcare entrepreneurs, commercialization experts and investors who provide one-on-one mentoring throughout the program. Plus, teams interact each week with this panel of experts in Boston, presenting and defending their findings, attending lectures and doing readings. Teams receive feedback, helping balance the competing risks they face in making decisions.

Phase II - European Market Validation: Teams join road trips to Paris and Delft to research the market potential in France and the Netherlands. Our local partners (Medicen in Paris and Yesdelft! in Delft) will facilitate contacts within the local ecosystem and allow teams to: Acquire a deep understanding of the local ecosystems and stakeholders (France and Netherlands), validate the potential clinical need/technology with local experts and verify regulatory and reimbursement landscape in France and Netherlands.

Phase III - Boston Networking and Validation: CRAASH Barcelona gives participants networking and market validation opportunities with experts and institutions from the top healthcare and life sciences ecosystem in the world: Boston.

One of the most significant benefits of the CRAASH Barcelona program is the interaction with the Boston life sciences ecosystem, one of the strongest in the world. Teams have the chance to forge connections with the Boston ecosystem and pitch their projects to the investment community in the region.


Equity-free program + 9,000€/team to cover travel and accommodations.


12-week intensive program.

Time efficient: 2-day kick-off (Barcelona), 8 weekly online sessions, 2-day close-out (Boston). Weekly activities take about 40 hours in total per team per week.

How to apply

In case of interest, please contact with FSJD Research Department.